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Arrays are more compact than any other data structure, because the structure is pure data and data is organised in contiguous memory addresses. There is no need to maintain links between the elements because any element can be randomly accessed in constant time through an indexed offset from the start address of the array.

Linked lists require one additional word per element in order to maintain a link from one element to the next. Linked lists are uni-directional (forward traversal only) and do not allow constant time random access. However, linked lists can grow dynamically whereas arrays cannot. In order to increase the size of an array, the array must be re-allocated, which may result in the entire array being copied to new memory. In order to minimise the need for reallocation, arrays will typically allocate more memory than is actually required upon a reallocation, typically 1.6 times the current size. The programmer must keep track of the number of used elements and the number of unused elements, and must ensure that all unused elements are always placed at the end of the array. Removing an element from the middle of an array therefore results in all the following elements being shunted to the left to close the gap, or (if the order is not important) moving the last used element into the gap. Linked lists do not have these problems because the internal links between the elements maintain the order. to remove an element, you navigate to the element that comes before that element, then copy the next element's link before deleting the next element. The current element's link is then update with the copy.

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Q: What are advantages of array over linked lists?
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What are the advantages of linked list over arrays?

# Linked lists do not need contiguous blocks of memory; extremely large data sets stored in an array might not be able to fit in memory. # Linked list storage does not need to be preallocated (again, due to arrays needing contiguous memory blocks). # Inserting or removing an element into a linked list requires one data update, inserting or removing an element into an array requires n (all elements after the modified index need to be shifted).

What advantages of a sorted list over a linked list?

All lists are linked lists; there is no such thing as a separate "sorted list". There are algorithms that can sort a list, of course, but they all work on linked lists.

What are the merits and demerits of array based implementation over linked implementation?

The merits of an array are that it provides the most compact storage mechanism of any data container, and enables constant-time, random access to that data. The demerits are that insertions and extractions can be costly in terms of performance due to the need to copy/move elements within the array. For large arrays, the cost can become prohibitive. Also, arrays can only be used to store elements of the same type.

What are the advantages of HashSet over Array?

Array list and linked list are very effective Data Structures. However, ArrayLists are not effective for adding and removing elements in between and Linked Lists take a lot of time when iterating through the elements. A HashSet is effective in both aspects. However, the selection of HashSet is better if the data we enter needs to be traversed while addition and removing is frequent. Further, HashSet cannot have duplicates. So in places where we need to avoid duplicating data, HashSet would be the key.

Explain any two advantages using Single linked list over Doubly linked list and vice-versa?

Advantages of single linked list: # Decrease in storage space per linked list node # Simpler implementation Advantages of double linked list # Decrease in work when accessing a random node # Decrease in work when inserting or deleting a node

How do you solve josephus problem using circular linked list?

The Josephus problem is a problem to locate the place for the last survivour. It shows the power of the circular linked list over the singly linked lists.

Advantage of linked list over array?

The only real advantage a linked list has over an array is that it can grow much more efficiently, however this is only guaranteed when new elements are inserted at the head or the tail of the list where you have constant time access. Constant time random access is not possible, thus insertions within the body of the list may be slower than for an array because of the need to traverse to the insertion point. However an array must reallocate in order to make room for new elements which may result in the entire array being moved to new memory. This can be minimised by reserving memory in advance. But, more importantly, all elements from the insertion point must be moved forward in the array in order to make a gap for new elements. Thus inserting into an array can often be slower than for a list, particularly if the elements do not support move semantics (they must be copied instead). If you plan on performing many such insertions, then a list will probably be quicker overall because there is no need to move elements around in memory. However, if you require random access and compact storage, use an array instead and reserve as many elements as you require for your insertions.

What are the Advantages of linked list over stack and queue?

A linked list is a data structure in which each node has a pointer to the next node, and thus the whole list is linked. Some advantages are: * Easy traversal of the whole list (simply follow the pointers) * Easy insertion and deletion of nodes (don't need to move all the other nodes around)

Disadvantages of linked lists in c?

Because the C programming language leaves the responsibility for memory allocation and pointers entirely with the programmer, the disadvantage of linked lists over some other linear data structures (such as arrays) is that the bear a risk or memory leaks and invalid pointers. The fact that the size of a linked list is generally not deterministic is also commonly viewed a disadvantage over statically linked linear containers (e.g. arrays) in some systems, primarily in embedded systems. Compared to containers of higher order (such as trees or hash tables), search operations in a linked list are generally slower. Compared to a double linked list, removal and insertion of items (except head and tail) is generally more expensive.

What are disadvantages of a linked list over an array?

A linked list is better bcoz: 1. A linked list can be grown to any size whereas a statically allocated array is of a fixed size and hence can cause problems if you try to insert beyond that. 2. Deletion of elements is a problem in arrays. You either have to move all the elements following the deleted element forward which is a waste of time or you have to place a sentinel indicating that the element in that position is deleted which causes a waste of space. On the flip side, arrays are easier to handle because their memory allocation is done once and for all(atleast till you need more space and have to reallocate) and because there is no hassle with pointers.

What is the advantage of doubly linked list over singly linked list?

It's not that one is better than the other. They are used in different circumstances. A linear linked list is used like an array, with the added benefits of random insertion/removal of elements, etc. A circular linked list is often used as a buffer where one portion of the program produces data and another consumes it, such as in communications.

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One advantage of a linked list (with pointers) is that it is fairly cheap to insert or delete an element - once you know where it is. A disadvantage is that getting a specific element - for example, the 1000th. element - is expensive.