

What are alcohols used in?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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alcohole is used for medical purposes such as alcohole wipes.

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Q: What are alcohols used in?
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What kind of alcohols can be used to prepare aldehydes?

All primary (10) alcohols may be oxidized to aldehydes.

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Why can't you used calcium chloride to dry methanol?

Because calcium chloride reacts with alcohols to form alcohols of crystallization you CHEM 2380 LOSER.

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What type of alcohols is fischer esterification limited to?

Primary and secondary alcohols are commonly used in the process and work efficiently with an acid catalyst but tertiary alcohols can also be used in some cases under the right conditions. One the reasons that it is more difficult to use tertiary alcohols is because of the steric hinderance which exists in the molecule so there is too much molecular interaction for a stable compound to form.

Products in which Sugar alcohols are most often used?

sugar alcohols are popular in sugar-free gums and mints. They are less sweet than sucrose.

Is a diamond soluble in alcohols?

The diamonds are not soluble in alcohols.

What is fermentation used for?

fermentation is used to convert sugar into alcohols...deriving energy from oxidation of organic compounds

The alcohols are organic equivalents of inorganic?

Alcohols can be considered organic equivalents of inorganic water. Alcohols can form hydrogen bonds with water and low weight alcohols are miscible in water.

What is the density of all alcohols together?

There are too many different alcohols for any question dealing with "all" alcohols to be answered. Also, the answer will depend on the relative quantities of the alcohols in the mixture.

Which element used in place of Hg in thermometer?

- colored alcohols - gallium for high temperatures

What is the importance of Lucas test?

It is used to distinguish between primary,secondary & tertiary alcohols