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Any of the alternative forms if a gene or other homologous DNA sequence

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Q: What are alleles and how are they inherited from parent cells?
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Who gives alleles?

Organisms inherit their alleles from their parents. In sexual reproduction, the alleles are usually inherited from two parents. In asexual reproduction, the alleles are inherited from a single cell and are genetically identical to the parent.

Can two alleles from different genes be inherited together?

These genes are inherited together, the alleles are not. And keep in mind that both the mother and father contribute to the child, so their allelic pairing may change the intended expression of the gene.

Where are alleles for a given trait inherited from?

The alleles for a given trait are inherited from an individual's parents.

Where the alleles for given trait are inherited from?

The alleles for a given trait are inherited from an individual's parents.

How do traits get inherited?

Through genetics, you have two alleles(different versions for a gene) for each gene, one from each parent

Some human inherited traits are transmitted by Blood cells Bone cells Sperm cells Liver cells?

Some human inherited traits are transmitted or passes from parent to offspring by sperm cells.

How can you get ALD?

ALD can be inherited as an autosomal recessive trait (requiring two alleles, one from each parent) and as an X-linked trait.

How many alleles for a trait are passed down from each parent?

There are three common Blood type alleles: A, B, and O. We all have two alleles, one inherited from each parent. The possible combinations of the three alleles are: OO; AO; BO; AB; AA; BB.

When the trait has more two alleles how is the trait inherited?

One parent has a recessive trait. For example: One parent has blood type AB, the other has blood type OO.

How traits are inherited through alleles?

By sexual reproduction the parental alleles through gametes are inherited in the subsequent generation

What are both inherited alleles called?

Genetic makeup formed from both inherited alleles together is called a genotype. Homozygous alleles would be a pair of identical alleles for a single trait. Heterozygous is different alleles for a single trait.

What is the combination of inherited alleles?
