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Allusions in the story "Cupid's Arrow: Not What It Used to Be" may refer to references or indirect mentions of famous myths, legends, or cultural symbols associated with love and relationships, such as Cupid and Psyche, Romeo and Juliet, or the concept of soulmates. These literary devices enhance the depth of the narrative by drawing on readers' familiarity with these cultural touchstones to convey specific themes or emotions.

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Q: What are allusions in story Cupids arrow not what it used to be?
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What is the collective noun for cupids?

There is no specific collective noun for cupids, in which case a noun suitable for the situation is used, for example a pair of cupids, a group of cupids, a company of cupids, etc.

What are the allusions in Hamlet?

Many classical allusions... most important (in my opinion) is the reference to the biblical story of Cain and his murder.

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Cupids used a magical ring to make people fall in love in the show Charmed.

How are allusions used?

allusions are used when the author wants to make a connection to the outside world, to help people understand the reading better,

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There are none!

Is cupids a proper nouns?

depends on the context: if used as a general term for a baby-like angel, then no, if used to refer to the specific mythological entity, or something specifically related to him (Cupid's Bow), then yes.

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He used many allusions to Shakespeare's work in his everyday conversations.

Why readers like allusions?

Readers often enjoy allusions because they can add depth and complexity to a piece of writing by referencing familiar works, events, or ideas. Allusions can create connections and evoke emotions in readers who are able to recognize the references, enhancing their reading experience. Additionally, allusions can provide layers of meaning and enrich the text by drawing on shared cultural knowledge.

What are literary devices used in The Crucible?

They are: Atmosphere, Allusions, Irony, Symbolism. But there are more.

Identify one of the many literary allusions used in Updike's story?

One literary allusion used in Updike's story "A&P" is the reference to the character Queenie, reflecting Queen Guinevere from Arthurian legend. Just like Guinevere, Queenie is depicted as a beautiful and alluring figure who captures the attention and admiration of the protagonist, Sammy.

The Wife of Bath makes allusions in order to?

The Wife of Bath makes allusions in order to provide historical or literary references to support her arguments and stories, as well as to showcase her knowledge and intelligence. Additionally, allusions help to add depth and complexity to her character by demonstrating her cultural awareness and education.

Why are allusions used in The Canterbury Tales?

Allusions are used in The Canterbury Tales to enrich the text by referencing other works, events, or people that were well-known to the audience of that time. Chaucer uses allusions to add depth, complexity, and layers of meaning to his characters and stories. It also allows him to engage in intertextuality, connecting his work to a larger literary tradition.