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The argument for adding the Bill of Rights to the Constitution was to protect individual freedoms of the citizens.

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Q: What are arguments for amending a Bill of Rights to the original Constitution?
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What was guaranteed by most state constitution's?

The original Bill of Rights in the US Constitution.

Were the Bill of Rights in the original constitution?


Why was the bill of rights not included in the original constitution?

Creating the constitution was difficult and controversial. Some of the items in the bill of rights were not thought of when the constitution was written. Others were too controversial and there was fear that if they were included in the original the constitution would not have been passed.

Can the states violate the Bill of Rights?

The 14th Amendment to the U.S Constitution enforces federal law, including the Bill of Rights, on the state governments. However, before the 14th Amendment, states did have the ability to "violate" the rights of their citizens.

What strategies made the federalist arguments of the constitution successful?

promise of a bill of rights and compromise with anti-federalists

Would the Constitution have passed without the Bill of Rights?

Yes I would...if you understand the reason Alexander Hamilton, wanted to put into effect the Bill of Rights. He felt that human rights were "not specifically defined." Although there were arguments from James Madison, that the Constitution was clear on these rights, and did not need amended. However, Hamilton insisted, that it needed to be clearly stated. Madison was afraid that by "Amending" the Constitution, it would lead to further amendments, that would "change" the initial meaning of the Constitution.

Was the bill of rights a part of the original constitution or was it added later?


Did the original constitution have the Bill of Rights?

No. They were added because some delegates refused to approve the constitution without it.

The bill of rights was added to the constitution to meet the demands of?

Anti-federalists that believed the original constitution gave the government power to infringe upon the rights of man.

What were some arguments against ratifying constitution and the bill of rights?

One of the arguments for not having a Bill of Rights was the thought that it would be misconstrued to mearly be a list of your rights. There should be further information on this debate in the Federalist and Antifederalist Papers.

What are four amendments still pending before the state legislature today?

This is the complete list of the ratified and unratified amendments to the United States Constitution which received the approval of the United States Congress. Twenty-seven amendments have been ratified since the original signing of the Constitution, the first ten of which are known collectively as the Bill of Rights. The procedure for amending the United States Constitution is governed by Article V of the original text. There have been many other proposals for amendments to the United States Constitution introduced in Congress, but not submitted to the states.

Was the Constitution written before the Bill of Rights?

Yes it was. The Constitution was written and then the Bill of Rights was added as sort of a compramise between the Federalists and Anti-Federalsits. Many said that the original Constitution did not protect the people's natural rights, so the Bill of Rights was added to it.