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Atoms that have different mass numbers but the [same] number of protons are called isotopes.

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Q: What are atoms that have different masses but the number of protons?
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Related questions

What does it mean if two atoms are isotopes?

If two atoms are isotopes, it means they have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons. Thus, they have the same atomic numbers, but different atomic masses.

Are two atoms of different elements because they have close but different masses?

An element is made up of only one type of atom. Atoms are only different from each other due to their atomic number - which is the number of protons. Different elements may have different relative atomic masses, but it is the differing number of protons in each atom that determines which element it is.

Two atoms of same elements with different masses?


Do atoms of different elements have a different number of protons?

Yes, atoms of different elements have a different number of protons.

What are atoms of an element that make different atomic masses?

protons and neutrons

Do atoms of a different element have different numbers of protons?

Yes, atoms of different elements have a different number of protons.

What occurs for two atoms to be isotopes of each other?

Two atoms are considered different isotopes of their element if they have different masses. This mass comes from the neutral-charged neutrons differing.

What atoms with same atomic number but different atomic masses?

Isotopes of the same element have the same number of protons (atomic number) but differ in number of neutrons (hence atomic masses).

How are isotopes different from state atoms?

The atoms of a chemical element can exist in different types. These are called isotopes. They have the same number of protons (and electrons), but different numbers of neutrons. Different isotopes of the same element have different masses.

10 kinds of isotopes and their application?

Different atoms of the same element possessing different atomic masses but having same atomic number are known as Isotopes. Since the isotopic atoms have the same atomic number, they must contain an equal number of protons. As their atomic masses are different, there must be a difference in the number of neutrons they possess. They will show similar chemical properties but their physical properties will be different due to different masses.

Why is that 2 atoms of fluorine have same properties but different masses?

They have the same properties because they are of the same element and have the same amount of protons. They may have different masses which means they have a different number of neutrons. These species are called isotopes.

Do protons of an element vary?

All atoms of the same element have the same number of protons. Atoms of different elements have different numbers of protons. The number of protons determines the element.