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Ions, of the element corresponding to the number of protons, with different charge numbers, or possibly a neutral atom and at least one ion of the same element.

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2w ago

Atoms with the same number of protons but different electron charges are known as ions. When an atom gains or loses electrons, it becomes an ion with a positive or negative charge, respectively. These ionized atoms are essential for many chemical reactions and play a crucial role in various biological processes.

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Q: What are atoms with the same number of protons but different electron charges?
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Does a atom have the same number of protons and electrons?

Yes it does. A neutral atom must ave same number of electron as protons to balance the charges.

An atom that is balanced or stable has the same number of negative charges as it does positive charges therefore you know that a balanced atom has an equal number of electron and?

Protons. A balanced or stable atom has the same number of protons (positive charges) as electrons (negative charges), ensuring overall neutrality. If this balance is disrupted, the atom may become an ion, carrying a positive or negative charge.

An atom with an equal number of electrons and protons has no?

overall charge, as the negative charge of the electrons cancels out the positive charge of the protons, resulting in a neutral atom.

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Atoms with the same number of protons but with different electrical charges have different?

Atoms with the same number of protons but different electrical charges are known as ions. These ions have different chemical properties compared to neutral atoms due to their distinct electron configurations. This difference in charge leads to variations in their reactivity and ability to participate in chemical reactions.

Isotopes are atoms that have the same number of protons but a different?

Isotopes are atoms of a given element that have the same number of protons but a different mass number and therefore a different number of neutrons.

Can you think why atoms always have the same amount of electron as protons?

When the number of protons is different another atom exist; the number of protons is specific for only one element.

What do you to find a electron of an isotope?

subtract the number of protons from the number of electrons. The above answer does not answer the question!!

The number of protons in a neutral atom is equal to the number of what?

In a electrically neutral atom, the number of positive charges in the atom's nucleus (with one charge being held on each proton in the nucleus), is balanced out by the number of negative charges present in the electron cloud round the nucleus (with one charge being held on each electron in the cloud). This means that in a neutral atom the number of Protons = the number of Electrons.

Elements are different because their atoms contain different number of?

protons in the nucleus. The number of protons determines an element's atomic number and defines its unique chemical properties.

How are protons and electrons linked?

Protons and electrons are linked through their opposite charges. Protons have a positive charge while electrons have a negative charge. This attraction between opposite charges causes them to be bonded together in atoms, with protons in the nucleus and electrons orbiting around it.

What does protons electrons neutrons mean?

Electrons, protons, and neutrons are different parts of an atom. The proton is positive and the electron is negative while the neutron is of both equally. Depending on the number of each is in an atom, is the type of atom you have.