

What are carbs broken down by?

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12y ago

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Saliva and some enzymes in the small intestine.

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12y ago
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Q: What are carbs broken down by?
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Do all carbs turn into sugar?

when it is broken down by enzymes..I think that's the gist of it...

What type of food does your body breakdown Carbs or protein?

The process of digestion breaks down carbohydrates into sugar, and protein into amino acids; both get broken down.

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How does low carbohydrates help you to lose weight?

Know that carbs ARE good for you. They are a major source of energy for the body. However, excess carbs not used as fuel can be broken down into long term storage, becoming fat. So if you exercise moderately 3 days a week and don't have enough energy in your body, fat will be broken down to supply that need as a fuel source.

Do sports after a workout stunt muscle growth?

yes as after a weights workout muscle fibres are broken down and are in need of carbs and protein leave cv until the next day

Does a starch affect a diabetic the same as sugar?

Yes because Starch is carbs. Carbs turn to sugar in the body to be used for energy. Once this happens, Your blood sugar will raise. So starch and sugar areeee the same thing. They're just broken down differently.

What protein helps break down food into energy?

Enzymes are proteins that can break down food into energy: lipase breaks down fats amylase breaks down carbohydrates protease breaks down proteins. When carbs are broken down glucose is left. Then: glucose + oxygen = carbon dioxide + water This is respiration. in this reaction, Adenasine triphosphate is broken down to adenasine diphospate, realeasing energy that enables us to do things. Hope that helps

What enzyme breaks down carbs?


Enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates?

amylase breakes down carbs

What is the process used to break apart food?

Food is broken down first by your teeth.Then it goes down to the stomach and the digestive system breaks it down even more.

How is polymer broken down?

it is broken down into monomers