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Some bullies have bad home lives, some have actually been bullied themselves and because of that they felt vulnerble, insecure and scared so they do it themselves. But there will and is always a reason, so bullies don't have it so easy either. But they doesnt mean to say what they are doing is right.

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Q: What are causes of bullying?
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What causes mental bullying?

Bullies, same as physical.

What are your opions on bullying?

That it's very wrong and needs to be stopped. Bullying has is one of main causes in teen suicides. >:(

What does bullying causes people to do?

Bullying can drive victims to desperate measures. Severe emotional bullying can lead victims to depression, cutting, and perhaps even suicide. Suicide victims feel that the bullying will never stop and life will never get better.

Is it important for schools to have uniforms?

yes because it causes less bullying and everyone is the same!

How is cyber bullying wrong?

It's hurtful and sometimes causes people to commit suicide.

What is secondary bullying?

Secondary bullying is mostly unwitting bullying which people start exhibiting when there's a serial bully in the department. The pressure of trying to deal with a dysfunctional, divisive and aggressive serial bully causes everyone's behaviour to decline.

What are the causes of social networking sites?

They ruin your life. The only good thing is that on Facebook you Meet old Friends...x Not much help:(

Does MySpace cause suicide?

It can and in many cases it was, cyber-bullying is horrible, so is any form of bullying. So the Myspace website doesn't really cause suicide it's the people on it that causes suicides.

What is bullying cycle?

It is often a cycle for the bully, not the bullied.The bully get some sort of payout for the bullying activity. This payout causes him to seek the behavior again, for which he gets a payout.This is common for all cyclic behavior.

What causes bullying and being picked on at school?

Most of the time kids who are differenmt are picked on. There is nothing wrong with being different. The bullies are usually just insecure about themselves and pick on others to feel better about themselves.