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Q: What are charcteristics of a cephalopode?
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In what ways are tunicates and lancelts similar to humans?

Tunicates and lancelets are common to humans in that all of them are chordates. That is they share certain charcteristics at some point in their lives. Four traits that they all share are notochord, hollow dorsal nerve chord, post anal tail, and pharyngeal gill slits. Some of these characteristics disappear during development, others are retained.

What is the 4 characteristics of all living things?

1.organization 2.growth and development 3.response to the environment 4.reproduction

What is so special about reptiles?

Alligators have wider snouts than crocodiles; only their upper set of teeth can be seen because their upper jaw is larger than their lower; they tend to be darker in colour; there are two species of Alligator - the American Alligator and the Chinese Alligator (which is smaller than the American Alligator); the average size for an American Alligator is 14.5FT and their average weight is 650 pounds. Alligators have jaws designed to crush bone, and their bite force is 3000PSI (pounds per square inch), making their jaws the most powerful (after the saltwater and nile crocodile, which have a bite force of over 5000PSI). Alligators most distant relative are caimans, who look exactly like alligators but have a bony ridge, and are usually smaller (although the Black Caiman is bigger than the American Alligator, and some species of crocodile). Generally, alligators are not as fierce and aggressive as crocodiles, and alligators can be found in both China and North America :) Hope this helped :)

What are some good horse questions?

Yes a horse can hurt someone physically and the name for a baby horse is a foal No one knows the exact year the first horse was seen as it is all about evolution, which means it took place over thousands of years. However the first domesticated breed of horse was the Arabian. This breed hold one of the oldest bloodlines in horse history. The name of the smallest pony was Thumbelina, she is a Fellabella and stands at only 17 inches high. The tallest horse in the world is 20.2 hands high. Theare measured in hands, these are equivilent to 4 inches or 10.16cm. Horses and ponies are similar however some things make them different such as the most obvious point, their height. A pony is 14.2hh and under whereas a horse is 14.3hh and over. Also their charcteristics vary most people find that pony's are more cheeky than horses, they are different whilst riding as well, because pony's have shorter, more bouncy strides and horses longer and flowing but different people decide on wht they like best and what suits their riding abilities. I dont really know how to answer the last question but here goes . . . There are over 300 breeds of horses in the world. In the UK alone there are 63,000 horses that hunt and more for other uses. The amount of riders in the UK however is 2.4 million. And in America there is approximatly 9.2 million. Hopefully this gives you some idea =D x

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