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Official ICD-9-CM Coding Conventions

Brackets [ ]: Brackets enclose synonyms, alternative terminology or explanatory phrases. Example:

482.2 Pneumonia due to Hemophilus influenzae [H. influenzae]

Alternatively, brackets may also appear beneath a code to indicate the fifth digits that are considered valid fifth digits for that code. This convention is applied for those instances where not all common fifth digits are considered valid for each subcategory within a category. Example:

715.0 Osteoarthrosis, generalized


The notation above indicates that only fifth digits of 0, 4 and 9 are valid for subcategory 715.0.

Slanted Brackets [ ]: This type of bracket is used in the alphabetical index to indicate mandatory multiple coding. Both codes must be assigned to fully describe the condition and are sequenced in the order listed. Example:


ventricular (paroxysmal)

psychogenic 316 [427.1]

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Q: What are codes in square brackets in the ICD 9 books mean?
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What does bracketing mean?

These are square brackets [ ]

What do slanted square brackets mean in medical coding?

Slanted brackets are used in the Index to Diseases of the ICD-9-CM coding book and they identify manifestation codes. A manifestation is a condition that occurs as the result of another condition, and manifestation codes are ALWAYS reported as secondary codes. In other words, when you see a code in slanted brackets (listed after a primary condition code), you MUST report and sequence it as the secondary code.

What does square brackets mean?

It means indexing into an array. The array could be an array of built in primitive types or array of objects. The index must be a numeric value greater than or equal to 0.

What does square brackets mean in chemistry?

Isn't this the wrong section? >_> Square brackets generally refer to the concentration of whichever element or compound. For example [A] would refer the the concentration of A (generally calculated in moles/Liter or molarity).

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The text in the brackets must be a question.

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Factorise fully is when brackets are involved in the equation

What does it mean to factorise?

to put into brackets

Is it better to use brackets inside of a parentheses when including an abbreviation?

Yes, it is common to place the abbreviation inside brackets when using it in a sentence with parentheses. This helps clarify the meaning and ensure that the reader understands the abbreviation being referred to.

What does brackets around a number mean in accounting?

Brackets around a number mean that the number is of a negative value. Instead of saying -$40 you would express it as ($40).

Does brackets around a number mean absolute in math?


What does it mean when brackets are in a quotation?

The quotation is exactly as in the original.

What does parentheses or brackets stand for in algebra?

the brackets mean "do this first". for example, in: x(4+2) you would add 4+2 before multiplying it By x. you can also add brackets into brackets which do the same thing. it is not compulsory, but you may change the brackets for how far in they are. i.e {[(1)]}.