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Q: What are congress created laws called?
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Branch of government called congress?

The Congress is the Legislative branch of the US Government. The Congress is comprised of the US House and the US Senate. They write the Federal laws. The President and Bureaucracy is the Executive branch. They enforce the laws. The Courts are the Judicial branch. They interpret the laws to fit individual circumstances.

What are laws created by the government called?


Can laws only be created by the congress?

At the federal level, laws can only be created by Congress, acting with the consent of the President. However, each state can also create laws by action of its legislature and Governor. State laws apply only to the state that passed them, while federal laws apply everywhere in the US.

One of the duties of the is to ensure that laws created by Congress are constitutional?

Supreme Court

What is a power that was created for the president through laws established by Congress called?

I would call it a "delegated power" meaning power that constitutionally belongs to Congress is passed along or delegated to the President.

Can laws only be created by congress?

No because some people from different places could make their own laws in there necessary space.

Who makes the laws in Washington D.C.?

Members of Congress help make the laws. Once the laws are created, they are voted on and then a vote must be taken in the House of Representatives.

The main task of each house of Congress is to?

The legislative branch (or Congress) is divided into two parts called the House of Representatives and the Senate. These two bodies must both approve any laws before Congress passes them. Congress also has the power to impeach the president if it so chooses.

Does the Supreme Court implement legislation?

No, the Supreme Court interprets the laws. The Congress implements the laws. That is why they are called the legislative branch.

Did the article of confederation require tax laws to be passed by the states?

Yes beacuse the Confedate Congress could not enforce tax laws. If any were created, they would have to be created for by the people.

Power to void laws passed by congress?

The President has what is called veto powers over the laws that Congress presents. He can either refuse it with reasons or just not sign the law until time runs out.

Who may veto laws or pass laws for the city?

the congress may veto laws or pass laws for a city.