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These are the types of contact lenses and the material(s) they're made out of:

1. rigid lenses - polymethyl methacrylate (now improved)

2. soft lenses - silicon hydrogel (which is the material that is being used in manufacture of contact lenses today)

3. hybrid - mixture of materials of both rigid and soft lenses

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Q: What are contacts made out of?
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Breaker point contacts are made of silver plated copper.

Does Nikki Hilton wear colored contacts?

yes. Nikki and Paris both wear contacts. The contacts are custom made to go well with their hair and skin tone. The contacts are about $400

Are the cheapest contacts safe as other contacts?

Cheaper contacts depending on who they are made by can put your eyes at risk. According to the website The Sun, someone almost died due to fungus in cheap contacts. They spent 17 weeks in the hospital after this. So cheaper contacts are not as safe as other contacts.

What are contacts made of?

Silicon Hydrogel(99% water)

Can you sleep with contacts in?

You can but it can cause irritation. only sleep in contacts that are made to stay in for one month straight or whatever time.

Who made eye contacts?

Your mom did! Yeah, she's that old.

What are good color enhancing contacts for blue eyes?

It is best to first consult to an optician or a local eye doctor before getting coloured contacts as they can cause adverse reactions with the eyes, but the best shade for brown eyes is green.

Would pollen make your contacts stick to your eye?

Yes,as pollen are made of small dust

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Contacts -> More -> Restore contacts....

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How do you look at your contacts on Facebook?

You should sign into your Facebook account, and then look for your contacts. Click on your contacts and your now viewing your contacts.

Does Rihanna have contacts?

Yes she does contacts