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Some cultural traits that can be found in all societies include language, social customs, art, music, food, and beliefs or values. These elements help to shape the way people interact, express themselves, and carry out their daily lives within a given society.

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Q: What are cultural traits for all societies?
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The procedure of comparing cultural similarities and differences among societies is called cross-cultural analysis. It involves studying various aspects of culture such as beliefs, values, norms, customs, language, and social institutions to identify similarities and differences between different societies. This analysis helps in understanding cultural diversity and its impact on societies.

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When anthropologists study cultural traits they look for how they fit together in a cultural diffusion?

While cultural diffusion refers to the spread of cultural traits from one society to another, anthropologists study cultural traits by examining how they are interconnected within a particular society. They analyze how different traits interact and influence each other to understand the overall symbolism, meaning, and function of these traits within a cultural context.

What spread of cultural traits from one culture to another is called?

Cultural diffusion

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Cultural Diffusion

The movement of culture traits from one culture to another?

Cultural transmission is the spread of cultural traits from one are to other areas. The spread may be passed by humans or animals.

What are culture realms?

A cultural realm is a geographical region where traits maintain homogeneity.The cultural traits are supposed to be the product of regional geographical circumstances.

When anthropologists study cultural traits they look for how they fit together in a .?

cultural patterns