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It could malfunction when using it, and it does take a lot of time and effort to make and use.

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Sarah Truran

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Q: What are disadvantages of a scaling tower with a battering ram attached?
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What is a scaling tower with a battering ram?

a scaling tower with a battering ram attached to it

How do you use a scaling tower with a battering ram attached?

A scaling tower was used in ancient wars to allow soldiers to reach the top of an enemies' town or fortress walls. If a battering ram is attached to it, then scaling the walls over an entrance to a fortress or city plus using the battering ram to break open the forts doors can be accomplished. This type of war "machines" were used into the Middle Ages.

How was a scaling tower with a battering ram attached used?

Obviously Its A Scaling Tower With A Battering Arm Attached!!!___Phil: Ummm, "obviously" the last guy didn't know (See what I did there?)! What I think you are looking for is a siege tower. It was used specifically in the First Crusade and was essentially a tower with wheels that could reach the extent of Antioch's walls.

Decisive method of the Medieval age a scaling ladder a scaling tower a longbow a catapult?


How do you use a scaling ladder scaling tower longbow and catapult to attack castles?

A scaling tower and scaling ladder are both used to scale walls. A scaling tower is better though

What is the two disadvantages of a scaling tower?

It takes time to : climb it, move it and people can spot you easily however it does protect the attackers from arrows and other missiles that the defenders had.

Why is scaling tower used for?

answer it yourself you copycat :P

What is a scaling tower?

Quite simply, the tower is rolled up to the enemy wall, whereupon attacking soldiers climb it from the inside and pour over the wall. It was a much safer way of breaching a wall than with scaling ladders, as the scaling tower was heavily protected from arrows, javelins, and other missiles hurled at them by the defenders, and soldiers on top of the tower provided covering fire for those climbing onto the enemy wall. Yet, it took time to get the tower into position, which made no secret to the defenders of where the breach was intended. For this reason, several towers were used at the same time whenever possible, and they were very effective.

What are the disadvantages of the Leaning Tower of Pisa?

Advantages and disadvantage of tower of Pisa

What is the Big Ben attached to?

Big Ben (which is the bell) is attached to Westminster tower. Westiminster tower is attached to the houses of parliament. Hope this helps.

What are the disadvantages of the Eiffel tower in Paris?

its blue

What is a bell tower that is not attached to a church?

a campanile