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The only disadvantage used to be that browsers would not support it, but since it became the w3c standard most browsers support xhtml meaning there are no actual disadvantages.

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Q: What are disadvantages of using deprecated tags with XHTML?
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Discuss the detriment of using deprecated tags on an XHTML page What issues can someone run into if continued use of these tags are used on a web page?

Discuss the detriment of using deprecated tags on an XHTML page. What issues can someone run into with continued use of these tags?

What damage make if you use deprecated tags in xhtml if continued use on web page?

Basically, in the future those pages that use deprecated tags will no longer render. Deprecated tags are being phased out in favor of Cascading Style Sheets for formatting the web page.

Which document type allows the use of deprecated tags?

The transitional document type allows the used of deprecated tags.

What are the advantages of HTML over xhtml?

HTML is based off of the Standard Generalized Markup Language system, which is a syntax system that is relatively complicated. XHTML was created to solve the complex system problem by implementing XML parser compatibility, which made the syntax reading system less complicated for computers -- not necessarily by humans alone.

A tag that W3C has earmarked for eventual removal?

deprecated tags

What are deprecated tags in context of HTML?

A deprecated tag is one that is being phased out and at some future point will no longer work on new browsers. You are encouraged to avoid using deprecated tags. You should use either newer tags that do the same operations or do some of your work using styles. This can be a little bit more complicated at first and involves learning how to use styles and style sheets, but the advantages outweigh the difficulties. Most properly designed web pages use styles for a lot of their design, and avoid the need to use deprecated tags. It makes your pages and sites a lot easier to maintain and means that your pages will function well on most browsers into the future.

What are the requirements for valid XHTML coding syntax?

The requirement for a valid XHTML is that all the tags should be closed. This is actually the difference between HTML and XHTML.

Why xhtml is made?

XHTML is Extensible Hyper Text Markup Language. It is a stricter form of HTML with all tags closed.

How do you write a xhtml code?

You can write a XHTML code in same way as HTML. The only thing is that you have to close all tags.

Is xHTML is the successor to HTML?

No, XHTML is a parallel language to HTML. XHTML is a XML language definition where tags have similar meanings to corresponding HTML tags. A crude analogy would be that XHTML and HTML are half-brothers; Lot's of similarities but also distinct differences. The successor of HTML is HTML5, the successor of XHMTL is XHTML5.

What are the effects of Depreciated tags on XHTML pages?

nothing at the moment, but as browsers are updated they will eventually not work in html/xhtml, css ect

Is xHTML the same as HTML strict and what is a HTML frameset declaration?

Yes, XHTML is just the stricter form of HTML. It means that you have to close all the tags that you have opened.