

What are energy vampires?

Updated: 11/3/2022
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15y ago

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Energy vampires are products that consume energy even when they are turned off.

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Q: What are energy vampires?
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Related questions

How many different kind of vampires are there?

3 to my knowledge made vampires, vampires (the kind that drink blood) and energy vampires the kind that feed from others energy.

How do vampires transform into vampires?

its a kinetic energy is some creatures

Are Singaporeans energy vampires?

no there is no such thing as vampiers

Was Katherine from Vampire Diaries real but not a vampire?

Vampires are not real and are from folklore.Actually Vampires Are Real They Feed Off Of Energy.

What drains your life force?

I would say negative energy. Or psychic vampires. Psychic vampires are people that can actually SUCK the energy right out of you while in a heightened mental state.

What is the reason for energy vampires existing?

Energy vampires, also known as Psi-Vampires, are a type of vampire that feeds off of the energy of other people. I do believe, in my own personal opinion, that Psi-vampires are a more evolved form of the regular blood-drinking vampire so that they can still feed but blend into society better. Psi-Vampires can feed without having to make any physical contact and it makes them seem more human. I mean seriously, how obvious and awkward is it to have someone walk up to you and try to explain that they need you to done blood to them or they'll die? Very awkward. I see the energy feeding for vampires as a way of protection.

Why does Both vampires and vampires bats feed on blood?

# The bat feeds on blood because it is a nutritious meal, So do mosquitoes and ticks. No big mystery. # The vampire feeds on blood because it is his/her source of nutrition and life energy. Some vampires don't feed on blood but get their life energy by other means: consider the many forms of psi-vampires, the succubus and the incubus.

Do vampires really exist...I mean like in real life?

Mythological vampires do not exist.However, some believe that they are vampires. These people are grouped under the category 'otherkin', which is people that believe that they or their spirits are something other than human (those who believe that they are animals are called 'furries').Otherkin vampires fall under two main categories:Sanguine - vampires who drink blood. Some drain wild animals whereas others go into bloodplay, which is usually used for sexual gratification. It is not considered honorable for a sanguine to drink someone's blood if the person has not consented to it.Psychic - vampires who believe that they are powered by energy. If a psy feels drained, they feel that they do not have enough energy or that someone has drained their energy. Psy vampires believe that they have the ability to drain others' energy. There is a vast range of code and gestures associated with psy vampires.

Are there vampires in South-Africa?

Vampiri are everywhere, even in South Africa. Real Vampires, not the Hollywood myths. They do not turn into bats, sleep in coffins, or burst into flames in sunlight. And they definitely have reflections and do not sparkle. Real Vampires are people who do not make enough energy on their own and have to feed off the energy of others to stay healthy, whether through pranic (chi or ka) energy (PSI), or energy from blood (Sang). Where ever there are people, there will be Vampires also."

Do vampires drink blood for proteins?

Vampires, for some reason or another, cannot create enough energy for themselves. So they get it from other sources. Sanguinarian--blood drinker--vampires, get their energy from blood. Not nescessarily protein; this is mostly foudn in meat but can be in other things. Blood is a slightly alkaline substance and, correct me if I'm ewrong, contains no protein. they drink it for ENERGY, like Psi vmapires may bdrain prana for ENERGY

How do vampires help humans?

it all depends on what vampire your talking about. some vampires like the physic vampire can drain people from energy so if someone was in trouble then they could drain the attackers energy and the victim would be able to get away

Are all vampires bloodthirsty?

By Black_whispersNot all vampires are bloodthirsty; there are two main types of vamp.Sanguinarian: The blood-drinking kind.Psi- : The energy consuming kind.It is debatable whether or not psi-vamps are vampires. However, apart from the consuming of blood they generally have the same afflictions and so are welcomed by most of the blood-drinkers as kin.In answer to this question, which I split; No, not all vampires are bloodthirsty; many are energy-thirsty instead.