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They are protists.

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Q: What are eukaryotic organisms that do not have specialized tissues?
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Does eukaryotic organisms have tissues?


Do eukaryotic organisms have all cells do the same job?

No, cells in a eukaryotic multicellular organism are specialized for a specific function. Many of these specialized cells come together to form tissues, which forms organs. Each organ is specific to one job needed for life.

Is kelp prokaryote or eukaryote?

Some kelp are prokaryotic, or unicellular, organisms. However, some kelp are eukaroytic, or multi cellular, organisms. Both lack specialized tissues.

Four kingdoms in multicellularity?

The four kingdoms in multicellularity are animals, plants, fungi, and protists. Animals are heterotrophic organisms with specialized cells and tissues. Plants are autotrophic organisms capable of photosynthesis. Fungi are either decomposers or parasites, and protists are a diverse group of eukaryotic organisms.

Which kingdom did the ancestor of all animals belong?

The ancestor of all animals belonged to the kingdom Animalia. This kingdom includes all multicellular eukaryotic organisms that are heterotrophic and typically have specialized tissues and organ systems.

Are cells eukaryotes or prokaryotes?

eukaryote, an example of prokaryote cell is bacteria

Does protozoa have organelles?

Protozoa are a large group of eukaryotic, single celledorganisms.

What is a kingdom made up of complex multicellular organisms that lack cell walls can usually move around and respond quickly to their environment?

This description refers to the Kingdom Animalia. Animals are eukaryotic, multicellular organisms with specialized tissues that allow them to move and respond to their environment. They do not have cell walls like plants and fungi.

Is a animal prokaryote?

Animals are not prokaryotes.They are eukaryotic organisms.

What is the difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms?

Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus and other membranebound organells, while prokaryotic cells don't

Two different specialized Cell types?

There are two hundred and twenty 'different specialized Cell types'. So pick two - muscle and nerve tissues; bone and vascular [blood circulating] tissues; skin (integument) and stomach / intestine; etcetera.

Are most unicellular organisms eukaryotic?

No most unicelluar organisms are not eukaryotic alot of them are prokaryotic