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soup and stew and yogurt with a bun and vegi salad

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Q: What are examples of Romanian food?
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What language are names in Romanian in?

in romanian obviously. examples : Alina, Oana , Corina, Adriana , Mihaelabesides Carmen, they all end in A

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What is 'honey' as an endearment in Romanian?

The word 'miere' is a Romanian equivalent of 'honey'. The same word in English as an endearment, instead of a food, may be alinare in Romanian. Another possibility in Romanian is the word mîngîiere.

What are 3 examples of Romanian?

If you think to Romanian language: 1. casă = house 2. femeie = woman 3. bună ziua = good morning

How do you say hello on Romanian?

Examples are: bună ziua, salutare, vă salut.

What is mici and sarmale as a Romanian food?

See the links below.

Famous food in Romania?

Examples are (Romanian words): mămăligă, sarmale, mititei, brînză de burduf, cîrnați oltenești, ciorbă de fasole, friptură de porc, chiftele, păstrăv, cozonac etc.

The romance language family includes romanian Italian and?

French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, and Spanish are the major examples. Catalan and Sardinian are examples of Romance languages whose speakers total fewer numbers. They're ka Romance languages, because they all descend from Latin.

What is a Romanian's favorite type of food?

stuffed cabbage rolls with meat and "mititei"

How do you say i want more food please in Romanian?

The Romanian language equivalent of I want more food, please is Vă rog, vreau (aș vrea) mai multă mîncare.

What are the most common names that begin with the letter A given to the romanian males?

Anton and Andrei are common Romanian male names. Other common Romanian male names include Alexandru, Apostol and Alin.

What does mîncare means in Romanian?

The English language equivalent of mîncare is food.