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chlamydiae spirogaya yeast

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Q: What are examples of non bearing plants?
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What are examples of fruit bearing plants that dont bear flower?

the plants and fruit is a kinds of bearing plants

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What plant is a bear seeds?

Gymnosperms are non-flowering seed bearing plants. Examples are: Conifers Spruce Pine Cycas Cycad

What are examples of flower bearing plants?

Apple tree.

How do you use gymnosperms in a sentence?

"Gymnosperms are a group of spore-bearing, non-flowering plants; common examples of Gymnosperms are the Pine, Cypresses and Spruce."

Why does non fruit bearing plants are not bearing fruit?

Because they are lower in evolution. Fruit bearers are highest evolved plants

What flower is a flowering seed plant?

Gymnosperms are non-flowering seed bearing plants. Examples are: Conifers Spruce Pine Cycas Cycad

Examples of seed bearing plants?

Seed bearing plants make up the bulk of terrestrial plants, they are different from other forms of plants such as spore bearing plants (ferns). Seed bearing plants are broken into two main divisions: Anigosperms which have a seed protected within an ovary and Gymnosperms which have seeds produced "naked" - these are mainly cone bearing plants. Examples of Aniosperms include: Petunia, Hibiscus, Oak, pea, tomato Examples of Gymnosperms include: Pine, Cupressus, Cycas and Cycad

What is a cone bearing plants?

pine treesCone bearing plants are called conifers. Some common examples of conifers are cedars, spruces, yews, pines, redwoods, cypresses, firs, and junipers.

Classification of plants that do not make seeds?

Non-seed bearing

What are examples of non-seed vascular plants?

moss plants

What plants are the examples of the non vascular plants?

Moss. lichen