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Q: What are examples of substances that are a good conductor of transferring energy as heat?
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How does thermal energy get passed in a conductor?

by transferring vibrational energy to adjacent molecules.

What are examples of transferring energy?

anyone can answer this question?

What is the best conductor of transferring energy as heat?

A metal. It's a better conductor than liquid, gas, or rubber.

What are characteristis of a good conductor?

It is when an object is transferring energy through the object easiily

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What are examples of electrical to thermal energy?

Assuming you mean, "What are examples of the CONVERSION of electrical energy to thermal energy?", then we have electric fires (radiant bar fires, electrical radiators, fan heaters), electric kettle. In fact any electrical device that gives off heat - which is nearly all of them. What happens is that the electrons that constitute the electric current, when they flow through a material that is not a good conductor, get jostled about, bang into each other, and generally cause the poor conductor to shake around (on the molecular scale). This shaking is basically what heat energy is, and is then passed on to neighbouring substances or radiated away.

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Energy made avalible by the flow of electric charge through a conductor.

Is sulfur a poor conductor of energy?

Yes, it is a horrible conductor of energy.

Is aluminum an insulator or conductor of thermal energy?

Aluminum is a conductor of thermal energy and electrical energy.

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When you lift a object what kind of energy are you transferring it to?

kinetic energy