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Their eyes are blue.

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Q: What are facts about blue eyed people?
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Related questions

Can a brown eyed dad and a blue eyed mom make a blue eyed baby?

yes, only 2 blue eyed people can only have a blue eyed baby, this will not change ever! where as 2 brown eyed people can also have a blue eyed baby, but for 2 blue eyed people to have a brown eyed baby is impossible!

Are blue eyed people better looking than brown eyed people?

it depends

What are facts about red eyed tree frogs?

They have blue stomachs and use startle coloration.

Are brown eyed people better looking than blue eyed?

it depends

Can two hybrid blue eyed people have a brown eyed baby?


Are all blue-eyed people related?


Can people without the blue eye gene have blue eyed children?

There are two types of genes that brown eyed people can have. There is BB, and Bb. The blue eyed gene is bb. If two people are Bb, and they have a child, if the child receives the two bb from each person, then they will have blue eyes.

Are there more brown eyed people in the world than blue eyed?

NO. People with blue eyes do NOT have the brown eyed gene, if they did they themselves would have developed brown eyes instead of their blue as it is dominant. So two blue eyed parents can only pass the blue gene to their offspring.

Are blue-eyed people are crazy because Hitler chose blue-eyed people for his master race?

Hitler did not choose blue eyed people for the master race. That is simply a stereotype of Germans. It is simply because many Aryans at that time had blue eyes. Hitler himself had brown eyes.

Do all blue eyed people have one descendant in common?

It is currently thought that all people with blue eyes may have a single common ancestor.

Can a blue eyed man and a brown eyed woman make a blue eyed baby?

Yes. The woman can be heterogeneous non-blue. That means she carries a blue eyed gene and a non-blue eyed gene. The blue eyed is normally recessive so he carries both blue eye genes and doesn't carry a non-blue gene.If two blue eyed parents have a child then the child will be blue eyed.

What are blue eye demons?

White people are sometimes referred to as blue eyed devils.