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they have hair, fur , and they are warmblooded

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Q: What are facts about endothermic animals?
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Related questions

Are all animals endothermic?

Not all animals are endothermic (actually). The reptilian family is not endothermic and can survive without the warm-blood. Mostly, mammals are endothermic and not usually the reptile class.

Do endothermic animals care for their young?

Yes , most of endothermic animals are birds and mammals and they care for their young ones .

What is a endo thermic animals?

Endothermic animals are animals that make heat on the inside. Endo- = inside Thermic= heat Endothermic= inside heat. This includes mammals and birds.

Are pygmy marmosets endothermic or ectothermic?

Mammals are endothermic, reptiles are exothermic. Endothermic animals can regulate their body temperature. Cold blooded or exothermic animals can not regulate their body temperature. Exothermic animals have to get their body heat from an outside source..hence the EXO....thermic. Endothermic is from the inside..hence the ENDO....thermic.

Is a nereis endothermic?

A endothermic maintain a nearly constant internal body temperature regardless of the temperature of their environment. These animals are called warm- blooded animals.

How do endothermic animals maintain body temperature?

Endothermic animals maintain constant body temperature in a number of ways. One way is to lay out in the sun.

What are the two endothermic animal classes?

Mammals and birds are the two classes of animals that are endothermic. The term 'endothermic' is the biological term for an animal that is warm-blooded.

Are zebras ectothermic or endothermic?

Zebras are warm-blooded animals. They are a member of the horse family with distinct black-and-white striped patterns. Zebras live in Africa.

What is the definition of endothermic animals?

Endothermic animals are those that must generate their own heat to maintain their body temperature. These animals are commonly referred to as "warm-blooded." An animal that is endothermic is categorized as an endotherm, and this includes all mammals. The opposite of an endotherm is an ectotherm.

Does endothermic mean warm blooded animals?

Yes. :D

Are glider animals endothermic or ectothermic?

Yes. A glider, a member of the possum family, is endothermic, able to maintain its own body temperature. It is a mammal, and mammals and birds are endothermic. The term 'endothermic' is the biological term for an animal that is warm-blooded.

What is a endothernic animal?

A animal that maintains a constant body temperature is called endothermic animal. A endothermic animal is also called homeothermic animal. Example: Aves and mammals are the only animals that are endothermic.