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Kookaburras are large kingfishers native to Australia, New Guinea and the Aru Islands, in southeastern Indonesia. They have also been introduced into New Zealand. There are four species: the Laughing kookaburra, Blue-winged kookaburra, Spangled kookaburra and Rufous-bellied kookaburra.

In Australia, where they are arguably best known, they can be found throughout the eastern states of Queensland (except for the far western, arid regions), New South Wales, Victoria and the eastern parts of South Australia. Although not found naturally in Tasmania, they have been introduced to Australia's island state, and also to the far south-west of Western Australia.

Kookaburras live in open and dense bushland, including rainforests. As they feed primarily on insects, worms, crustaceans, spiders, snakes, lizards and even small birds, they can live in any well-treed area where these creatures are abundant. Kookaburras are also a common sight and sound in suburban backyards in Australia.

Kookaburras nest in tree hollows or even in burrows dug in termite nests in trees. Females usually lay a clutch of three eggs, two days apart. It takes 24-29 days to incubate the eggs, depending on the species of kookaburra. Both parents take responsibility for raising the young, and they feed the chicks for thirty days; after this, the young birds remain with the parents, forming a family group which, together, defend their territory. In the case of the Laughing kookaburra and Blue-winged kookaburra, they defend their territory with a loud, raucous, laughing call.

Laughing Kookaburras have adapted to suit the harsh Australian environment and climate. One physical characteristic of adaptation is that a Kookaburra's jaw and beak is quite strong. It will swoop down soundlessly from its perch and quickly grab prey with its strong beak. If the prey is too large to eat immediately, like a small snake or lizard, the kookaburra will use its strong beak to bang its prey against the tree branch until it is dead, and no longer going to wriggle away.

The kookaburra is one of few Australian carnivorous birds that lives in bushland. It does not need to compete with the many honeyeaters or fructivorous birds which also live in the bush.

Kookaburras' colouring enables them to blend into the bushland in which they're mostly found. They are brown and white with dappled blue wings and, when still, resemble part of the branch on which they may be sitting.

The toes of a kookaburra's foot are stuck together in pairs. This helps the bird grasp branches firmly, giving it the ability to stay still for long periods while it awaits movement from its prey.

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What are facts about kookaburras?

There are around four known species of the Kookaburra. The Laughing Kookaburra and the Blue winged Kookaburra are at times, direct competitors when they inhabit common areas. The Laughing Kookaburra is known for its human laugh and the Blue winged Kookaburra has a deep cackle.

What are facts about kookaburras brids?

There are around four known species of the Kookaburra. The Laughing Kookaburra and the Blue winged Kookaburra are at times, direct competitors when they inhabit common areas. The Laughing Kookaburra is known for its human laugh and the Blue winged Kookaburra has a deep cackle.

What is the difference between a laughing kookaburra and a normal kookaburra?

A Laughing kookaburra IS a normal kookaburra, and the only one completely native to Australia alone. It is one of four universally recognised species of kookaburra, the others being the Blue-winged kookaburra, Spangled kookaburra and Rufous-bellied kookaburra.

What kind of animal is a kookaburra?

A kookaburra is a bird - a species of kingfisher.

How does a kookaburra and how long does a kookaburra sleep?

it is unknown

Is this how you spell Kookaburra?

"Kookaburra" is the correct spelling.

How do you make a kookaburra laugh?

The kookaburra's laugh is a territorial call. People cannot make a kookaburra laugh.

What is 5 synonyms for a kookaburra?

Sorry there are no synonymous for kookaburra.

What is French for kookaburra?

"Kookaburra" in French is "un dacelo".

Why does the kookaburra have a tiger tail?

The kookaburra does not have a tiger tail.

What species of animal is the Kookaburra?

The kookaburra is a bird. Specifically, it is a kingfisher. The species name of the Laughing kookaburra is Dacelo novaeguineae.

What is the scientific name for a kookaburra?

The scientific name for the Blue-winged kookaburra is Dacelo leachii.The scientific name for the Laughing kookaburra is Dacelo novaeguineae.