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Q: What are facts and a fib about how radioactive materials are used to produce nuclear energy?
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Does creating nuclear energy produce large amounts of radioactive wastes?


What uses does coal have?

the uranium is a radioactive mineral that is used as a nuclear fuel to produce electric energy

How does radioactive materials used to produce nuclear energy?

Nuclear energy is produced by fission of new fuel, which is only very slightly radioactive to start with (it is safe to handle unprotected). It becomes radioactive during the reactor's operation, and at the end of life the radioactivity of the fuel contributes some 5% or so of the output heat, the rest is due to fission directly. There are some uses for radioactive isotopes to produce electricity directly but these are only used in satellites for small instrument type supplies.

Adavntages and disadvantages for nuclear energy?

One advantage of nuclear energy is that it can produce far more power than other sources of energy including wind energy. One disadvantage of nuclear energy is the radioactive waste that is produced.

What source of energy produces radioactive waste?

Nuclear Energy

Which energy source generates radioactive waste?

Nuclear Energy.

Does nuclear energy produce a lot of waste?

Yes; the average nuclear power plant yields about 3 tons of radioactive waste each year.

How do radioactive elements produce their own energy?

The energy released in a radioactive decay arises because the nucleus is moving from one energy level to a lower energy one. The link below gives a good outline explanation in the Explanation section.

What kind of energy produces radioactive waste?

Nuclear Energy produces radioactive waste because if there isnt any sign of nuclear waste/energy in the sullotion/object then it wouldnt be counted as 'Radioactive'.

Most of the high-level hazardous radiation associated with nuclear energy is the result of?

Waste materials, mining and transportation of radioactive fuels, radiation emissions from nuclear sites.

What is the differences between potential energy and nuclear energy?

potential energy is stored energy. nuclear energy is radioactive

What are sources of nuclear energy?

the sources of nuclear energy is a rod that is very radioactive and water