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vitamins a,d,e,k

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Q: What are fat absolute vitamins?
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What are four fat-soluble vitamins?

Vitamins are classed into water-soluble and fat-soluble. The names of two fat-soluble vitamins are A and D. Vitamins E and K are also fat-soluble.

Does vitamin d dissolve fat?

the vitamins A, D, E and K are fat soluble These vitamins are stored in fat cells and are not so easy to excrete so do not abuse them!A, e, d, k.

What are additional fat soluble vitamins often added to some low fat and low-caloriesproduct?

Some fat substitutes can prevent absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

What vitamins are A D and E?

Vitamins A, D, E and K are fat-soluble vitamins (the others being water-soluble). Fat-soluble, meaning that the vitamins dissolve into dietary fats and are therefore stored in fat.

What vitamins stored in fat cells. they do not have to be ingested daily?

There a couple of vitamins stored in fat cells such that they do not have to be ingested daily. The common ones are vitamins A, D, E and K.

Fat carries what vitamins?

A D E and K vitamins are fat soluble. they're absorbed with fat

What are vitamin dissolves in fat?

The four main vitamins which dissolve in fat are vitamins A, D, E and K.

The fat-soluble vitamins include?

Vitamins A, D, E and K are fat soluble.

What can vitamins ADEK can only be dissolved in?

These are fat soluble vitamins.

Two examples of fat-soluble vitamins are?

Vitamins A and D

What vitamins are not a fat-soluble vitamin?

Vitamins B and C

How are fat soluble and water soluble absorbed?

fat soluble vitamins are stored in our fat tissues and water soluble vitamins are soluble in water.