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Q: What are fish meat and legumes a good source of?
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Fish meat and legumes are a good source of?


What is the food source for proteins?

Meat, Milk, eggs, nuts, fish, legumes,beans, soya beans

Are milk meat fish egg beans and peas good sources of carbohydrates?

milk fish egg meat are rather good source of protein.

What has high protein?

Foods that are a good source of protein include: - Meat, poultry, seafood - Nuts - Dairy - Eggs - Soy - Beans & legumes

Why should you eat meat and fish?

Humans have no biological need to consume the flesh of non-human animals. Legumes, grains, mushrooms, seeds, nuts, and vegetables have all the protein you need. Fish get their essential fatty acids from algae, and you can, too.

Why are legumes and lentils considered a good substitute for meat?

Legumes, including lentils, are more than just a substitute for meat. In many ways, they are superior to meat. Legumes contain plenty of protein, but they also contain plenty of fiber, which meat lacks. Also, legumes are low in calories and fat, and they have zero cholesterol, which is plentiful in meat.

What is the main source of food for the Africans?

Generally, vegetables and legumes are the primary source of food. Sometimes meat, such as goat, beef, sheep or fish depending on economic status, but usually saved for more special occasions and celebration.

List of 6 foods that give protein?

meat fish grain legumes beans dairy

What can serve as a good source of Zinc for the body?

Meat, poultry, fish and seafood, whole cereals and dairy products

Is dried legumes in the meat group?

No, dried beans, also called legumes, are not in the meat group because they are not an animal product. However, legumes are often included, with meat, in the protein category.

What is folate's best source?

meat,eggs and fish

Is meat good for people's diet?

Fish is very good for brain activity; it is said that you're supposed to eat red meat 2-3 times a week. But fish is a very good source of brain food, eat some fish next time you work out, you'll feel the difference