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Q: What are five factors that affect soil development?
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What are the tree steps soil horizons form from?

soil development has 5 factors that affect its horizons. parent material, climate, biota, topography and time

What factors affect water runoff?

The Major Factors That Affect The Amount Of Water Runoff In An Area Are: - amount of vegetation and non-permeable surfaces (development) - slope of land (grade) - duration and rate of rainfall - nature of ground (soil type) - soil saturation (moisture)

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interrelations between soil and biotic factors.

What factors that determine the soil pH?

The factors which affect soil pH levels are the amount of rainfall, the amount of plants and the number of soil organisms.

What are the 5 soil forming factors?

The five soil-forming factors are geology, climate, topography, biology and time.

Where are the five soil factors geographers study?

The five major factors that influence soil formation are parent material, climate, living organisms, topography, and time.

How can edaphic factors affect an ecosystem?

Soil is the edaphic factor

What is the 5 factors that affect runoff?

I think they are Parent material, Relief, Organisms, Climate, and Time.

What are the five factors of soil formation?

Five factors of soil formation: Parent material, climate, organisms, topography and time.Climate (precipitation, temperature)Vegetation (plants)Parent material (geological/organic)Organisms (soil microbes/fauna)Relief (configuration of surface)The five factors are:WindHumidityAir pressureTemperatureClimateClimate, parent material, organisms, relief and slope, and time.Five factors of soil formation: Parent material, climate, organisms, topography and time.

Physical factors which affect agriculture in southern Ontario?

soil and climate

How climate affect the development of soils?

The climate changes the development find if the soil will be harsh soft good for farming or not

The Factors that affect the BIODIVERSITY of an ecosystem.?

The factors that affect biodiversity of an ecosystem are moisture content, organic matter, Simpson's index of diversity and the pH of the soil.