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If you have a tornado shelter then the five steps you would need to follow before hand would be.

1. Vacuum out the shelter. Do this often during tornado season because if you don't you will be housing Spiders and having a black widow in a storm shelter is not fun (trust me I know).

2. Pack bags to take in the shelter. These bags should include; food (like crackers, granola bars, chips, dried fruit, trail mix, etc.), your wallet (that is very very very very important), (if you have children) diapers, (whether you have children or not) paper towels are always good to have on hand, a first aid kit, and last but certainly not least water, whether it be in gallon jugs or just water bottles, water is a vital part of any kit if there is even a slight possibility you'll be stuck somewhere.

3. Turn on the TV and watch the news. If you don't have a TV then turn your radio onto the weather.

4. When the meteorologists say there is a warning for your county then PUT YOUR SHOES ON! Get everything together and continue waiting until a tornado touches down within about ten to fifteen miles of where you live.

5. When a tornado is that close... well I'm sure you can probably guess what I'm going to say next. Pop in a movie! It's party time!!! What? You didn't guess that? I can't see why... just kidding. At that point you need to get into the storm shelter. Please, please don't go out and film the tornado roaring down your street! Just get in the shelter!!!

If you don't have a shelter then here are the five steps you need to do:

1. Clean out your closet so you have a shelter or use your bathroom tub (which ever one is closer to the middle of the house.

2. Get a matress and a helmet to the closet. These are to protect you from falling debris, very important.

3. Turn on the TV and watch the news. If you don't have a TV then turn your radio onto the weather.

4. When the meteorologists say there is a warning for your county then put your wallet in your pocket! Get everything together and continue waiting until a tornado touches down within about ten to fifteen miles of where you live.

5. Get into the closet or bath tub and put the helmet on and the matress on top of you. This may sound like a joke but a matress will really save your life, trust me.

Also, it is never a good idea to try and drive away from the storm. Traffic is always backed up and wrecks happen constantly because people are panincing. So, please don't try and drive away from the storm (unless you live in a glass house, but since most people don't... you get the picture).

Source: An Oklahoman. (This may not seem like it would be a good source but when you live in the heart of tornado alley, you know how to deal with a tornado.)

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Q: What are five ways to prepare for a tornado?
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How do you prepare for the tornado?

The best thing for you to do is , to hide you and your kids in a bathroom tub or a basement .With flashlights and batteies!