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Anything but citrus and dariy. You can give it well cooked meat. No spices sauses or kitchen salt. But other then that anything you can eat

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Q: What are foods that hermit crabs eat from your kitchen if you don't feed them food that you buy for them at the store?
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What household food can hermit crabs eat?

Hermit crabs eat a variety of foods. They need to have several "food groups" represented that are different from human food groups. The list of safe and unsafe foods is extensive. A good site to visit is for more information. Crabs also need fresh AND salt water and calcium and mineral supplements.

What species of hermit crab is the most popular?

If you go to buy hermit crabs at a store, you're most likely getting purple pincher crabs (also called Caribbean Crabs)

Is hermet crab poop slimy?

Hermit crabs excrete is so small, you have to look hard to see it, hermit crabs store it in their shells then scoop it out. It is dry.

Can hermit crabs live with fiddler crabs?

No, Hermit Crabs and Fiddler crabs require two different environments. The Hermit Crab would drown in the water a Fiddler Crab needs. You can always ask your local pet store if there is any way possible though. Some hermit crabs live on land others live in water even land hermit need two enter salt water , fiddler crabs are brackish or fresh hermit crabs can't breathe in those environments

Do land hermit crabs poo and pee?

Hermit crabs do excrete waste, they pee so little, you dont notice it, and they store it in their shells and scoop it out, along with excrement.

Were do crabs get there food and what food does it eat?

You can get them at local hermit crab ( pet stores ). You can get it at stores that sell hermit crabs. Commercial brand foods for hermit crabs aren't good for them. Feed them a variety of food that you would eat. Food that you buy in the store has harmful preservatives and does not have enough nutrients that the hermit crab needs..

Were can you get hermit crabs and hermit crab tanks?

You can buy hermit crabs at stores such as Petco. They have many hermit crabs things to meet your needs.

Can marine hermit crabs be kept as pets?

Yes, hermit crabs can be kept as pets. You can get the cages in about every store along the beach. One warning though; they really stink!.

What is a wild ocean hermit crabs' diet?

wild hermit crabs are scavingers so they'll eat things from dead fish,algee,some times fish poo and seaweed and meats.(while there domesticaded cousins eat special made food you buy a stores.)There is no such thing as a wild hermit crab's "domesticated cousin". Land hermit crabs cannot be bred in captivity, and every single land hermit crab that you find for sale was caught from the wild. Land hermit crabs can survive on the store-bought diet because they are scavengers and can eat a variety of things. It is best to also provide a variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, protein, algae/seaweed, etc. Many pet stores carry freeze-dried shrimp, dried seaweed, etc. that hermit crabs will enjoy. Keep in mind that some store-bought fish foods have copper added, which is toxic to hermit crabs, so check the label.

Is tap water poison for hermit crabs?

No. You should give your hermit crabs distilled water. You can easily find distilled water at a grocery or convenience store in big jugs. Or you could buy water for hermit crabs at pet stores.

What causes stress to a hermit crab?

Hermit crabs get stressed when they get taken from the wild, taken from the pet store, and when they are handled too much.

Can you feed hermit crabs baby shrimp?

I wouldn't. Just feed them regular hermit crab food you find at a pet store.