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Iron rich foods include green leafy veggies, beans, lean red meat, iron enriched cereal, breads and milk. Beets, kale, soy, green beans.

Your doctor or midwife probably has a list of foods that provide you and your growing baby everything you both need.

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Q: What are foods with iron for pregnant women?
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Because your a fatty

Can pregnant women eat Vienna sausages?

No, liver is good for you and packed with iron.

Which group of people are most likely to suffer from an iron deficiency?

People in underdeveloped countries and pregnant women. It can come from poor diet as in most 3rd world countries or it can be attributed to blood loss from menstruation or high iron demands in pregnant women.

Do women eat a lot before they know they are pregnant?

women eat before a little but after is the worst when they start to crave for certain foods

What types of foods should I eat or should I not eat during my pregnancy?

Eating a wide variety of foods will ensure you get the correct nutrition throughout your pregnancy. Pregnant women especially need foods that contain high levels of calcium, folic acid, iron, vitamin C, and vitamin A. Avoid fish during pregnancy as the levels of mercury could be dangerous.

Can pregnant women eat raw foods including tuna?

It is never a good idea for a pregnant woman to eat undercooked or raw foods...including unpasturized milk and soft cheeses such as goats cheese

What foods should I avoid while pregnant?

Eating food high in sugar, fat, and carbohydrates is not only bad for nutrition while a woman is pregnant, it is poor nutrition for someone even when they are not pregnant. It is also important for pregnant women to avoid foods that are high on the glycemic index.

What individuals would most likely be recommended an iron supplement?

An older female. usually kids, young adults and pregnant women do need Iron

What age group has a high risk group for iron deficiency?

Infants, children, and some women are the group that has a higher risk of having an iron deficiency. A lot of pregnant women have to take iron supplements because a lot of the time their iron will drop below the efficient level.

What are the best prenatal vitamins pregnant women can purchase?

The best prenatal vitamins pregnant women can buy would be ones with extra amounts of the vitamins pregnant women need most. A few of those extra vitamin amounts would include folic acid, calcium, and iron.

What are the medicines that are prescribe to a pregnant women?

The pregnant woman is given OB vitamins with 400 mg of folic acid and iron supplement if needed.Antibiotics if there is infection. and etc.