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Well it's the people who are interacting to each other. What we have seen with people inside the classroom is a type of people we can seen in our society. If all people are studying then, we could see that our society has educated people :)

*donna SPCBA

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Q: What are found in the classroom similar to what can be observed in a society?
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What are the differences between agrarian and industrial society?

The people of agrarian society depends on agriculture for livelihood.The living standard of people living in agrarian society is low compared to industrial society. Agrarian societies are mostly found in developing countries like nepal,india,etc.The people of industrial society depends on industrial profession for livelihood.The living standard of people living in industrial society is high compared to agrarian society.This type pf society is mostly found in developed countries like usa,south Korea,japan,etc.

Is structural functionalism still applicable in today's society why or why not?

First, we must define structural functionalism: It is a framework that seees society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability. This approah has a broad focus on the social structures that shape society as a whole and believes that society has evolved like organisms.Now that we have a functional definition, we can proceed to the varied opinions that may exist on this issue.Answer 1: Yes, CertainlyMany of the agencies and governing bodies that exist today have been developed as a direct result of the needs of the society in which they are found. As society has changed, the older agencies begin to take on new roles that fill the niches now created.

Why did indentured servants start to leave the plantation?

They found it easier to move westward to start a new life than to stay on the plantations and never move up in society. Many were finished serving their term of labor.

What are sociologists?

<a href="">Sociologist</a> are people that are considered professionals in the field of sociology which is effectively the study of society. There are a few articles that have information on this which can be found here:, for more information about a <a href="">sociology degree</a> you can also visit here:

How many people have cancer?

The current estimated human population for the planet earth in 2010 is 6,865,300,000 by the United States Census Bureau. The United Nations estimates that world population will be over the 7,000,000,000 mark in 2011. Recent U.N. organized surveys performed in multiple countries have found the average percentage of people who suffer from some sort of cancer is 31%. The American Cancer Society has found similar numbers in its studies of North and South America.Using these two sources of information. One can estimate that 2,128,243,000 individuals in the year 2010, will have some sort of cancer.

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What are found in classroom that are similar to what can be observed in society?

Competition for power and popularity. Jelousy and levels of social class.

What are found in the classrooms that are similar to what can be observed in society?

here are many things that are similar in the classroom and the society we lived in,first is that inside the classroom there is a teacher that acts as their parents the same as the family in our society.The way does how the students interact in the class can be compared to daily interaction of individuals.

What can be found in a classroom that is similar to that of a society?

The Whole Classmroom Has A Students And the Students Has Papers And Papers Are Used For Writing Any Lessons

What are some things found in a classroom that begins with the letter '' y ''?

A yardstick is found in the classroom. It begins with the letter y.

What is society for australopitecus aferensis?

Australopithecus afarensis. "The Southern ape from the Afar region." A. afarensis society was probably not much different from that observed in Chimpanzees today with the improvements of very crude tools and the use of "found" fire.

What are some things found in a classroom that begins with the letter '' i ''?

Instructors, index cards, information and imagination are found in a classroom. They begin with the letter i.

What are found in the classroom that are similar to what can be observe in society?

In the classroom, first of all,we can see the teacher and the different kinds of students corresponding to the leader and the different kinds of people in the society. Also in the classroom, there is the presider; the teacher, of the different groups formed with officers in each group; like the society, there is the president governing the different groups and communities of people with their own leaders and officers as for example, the governors, mayors, councilors, etc and the members. In the classroom, there are also rules and regulations being followed and should be followed to have harmony among teacher and students as in the society, the are laws, rules and regulations to be and should be followed by the citizens to have a peaceful and progressive community. In the classroom too, we can observe that the students try to cooperate with each other and work faithfully to be effective students and will have higher grades. Whereas in the society, the people cooperate with each other and do work diligently to have a richer and effective community and the members will soon find higher waged work and even be promoted still higher positions. in the classroom we can also observe that some students are working/studying hard as others just normal, without any preoccupations and still others "walang pakialam sa studies or grades nila" like the society, others work hard, others just letting "it " be, following the flow and still others, lazy people, " mga walang pakialam sa buhay. by Anonymous .

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