

Best Answer

Two equinoxws and two solistices.

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Q: What are four astronomically important days of the year?
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When do the 4 astronomically days of the year ac cur?

The answer will depend on astronomically WHAT or how the days are astronomically significant.

What is a period of one year called?

A period of one year can be called a year, or astronomically speaking, a revolution.

How many days are there in a leap year?

there are 366 days in a leap year which comes four year

What are the important days in the year?

Every day is important.

How many days are in a 1 proper year?

In a year there are 365.25 days. This is made up by a leap year every four years. A normal year has 365 days.

How ma days is a year and four months?

A year and four months is equivalent to approximately 16 months, which is equivalent to approximately 480 days.

How old is a four year old?

A four year old is four years old or 1460 days old or 48 months or you get the idea a four year old is four

How many days are in the last four months of a calendar year?

122 days

How many days are there in a year and leap year?

365 days are in a normal year, so you add 1 more day and you have 366 days in a year.

What is the number of days in a year?

On the gregorian calender there is 365 days with one extra every four years as a leap year.

How many days are there February?

In a normal year, there are 28 days in February. In a leap year, which occurs every four years, there are 29 days in February.

How many days are there in February?

In a normal year, there are 28 days in February. In a leap year, which occurs every four years, there are 29 days in February.