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To understand what rights citizens have one must realize that most of our rights are inherent rights! You certainly have a right to live. Thus anyone who takes the life of another has taken that right from the person.

You have the right to liberty! Liberty is harder to put into words. It is a freedom to do what one wants as long as he doesnt negatively effect the liberty of another. You can move from state to state, you can get educated, there are few things you cant do if liberty prevails and is protected. Liberty is really a function of natural law, as are inherent rights. You are born free and no one can take rights and liberty from you, even though our govts, state and federal, often try. When they succeed, it is because Americans have always believed that govt will protect their rights and liberties. Nothing has been nor can be further from the truth. You along must ensure your liberties. Most of all, liberty is like freedom, you have a right to be left alone, but you also have a duty to protect that right.

Remember, when a soldier is brought into the military, he/she swears to protect and defend the Constitution, not necessarily the govt it establishes. I say not necessarily because the govt for the most part has had more failures than successes in understanding liberty and freedom.

Does one have the freedom of association? Of course he does under natural law! Yet our govt says they can force us to associate with those we choose not to. Thus anything public causes forced association by such things as public schools. And yet, the federal govt has no duty or responsibility or authority of education! If the govt claims education in the USA as promoting the general welfare, it has failed.

The reasons the Unites States will eventually fail, as did Rome, is because the people have failed. I say this because most people don't understand what their inherent rights and freedom and liberty are or let govt define those things for them. While the Constitution gives the duty to interpret the Constitution to the courts, that duty is limited by the rights, freedoms, and liberty of the people. Any decision of a court that is contrary to the will and opinion and beliefs of the people is void and any official following it along with the judges must be removed. Remember, in democracies and democratic republics, it is the people that are sovereign and retain sovereign immunities from all govt. Thus as the Declaration of Independence provides, when govt doesnt abide by the will of the people it is to be abolished or changed. Thus govt which doesnt provide a way for the people to change their govt or Constitution directly, it isn't living up to its duties, or responsibilities.

However, our govt has taken the position that the people are unintelligent, stupid, and inferior to members of that same govt. Thus they make rules for govt, but don't enforce their own rules or laws, unless 50,000 or more people complain.

If the govt does wrong by just one person, that is ok by govt rules. Thus if just you are denied of any right, by govt rules and procedure - that's too bad! This is so because most govt officials are immoral, greedy, self-centered individuals who have no respect or regard for the people. Do you think Congress cares if you have medical insurance? Of course not, they attempt to provide it so they cant then ask you to keep them in office so they can continue stealing you blind!

So liberty, freedom, and what rights you have are for you to decide, not govt! Govt are instituted among men for the benefit of those same men, not for those who govern. Thus govt has no liberty, no freedom, no rights and can only do what you allow them to do. Watch them carefully, as most men in govt cant be trusted and are without morals. They are surely the worst among us!


In the United States our rights as citizens are defined in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

There are those who believe in something call "natural rights." Such "rights," they believe, come from god or are somehow inherent in one's status as a human being. Such "rights" are simply their beliefs. They are not enforceable and do not provide justification for, nor restriction of, any action. Simply put, they are not rights but beliefs. Legal rights are created by an authoritative body recognized by the majority of people subject to it as legitimate. There are no "rights" in the air, no metaphysical entities called rights that inhere in human existence.

In the United States the Constitution and the Bill of Rights did two things. They established a government and defined the rights of the people vis-a-vis that government. Both the government and those rights became effective when the Constitution and the Bill of Rights were ratified by the people. The rights specified are those the people wished to secure against the government, and therefore created them in these documents. The people in the colonies did not have the right to free speech prior to the ratification of the Bill of Rights. In fact, the people in most countries today do not have a constitutionally protected right of free speech; and throughout history people did not have such a right.

A discussion of the right's we have as citizens involves intellectual exploration on many levels because rights are multi-faceted. In the discussion of legal rights, one is always referring to rights of the individual vis-a-vis the government. The only legal rights one has are those granted by the Constitution and laws. Thus, one does not have a right to free speech that restricts private action, e.g., by a private employer against an employee. There simply is no legal cause of action against a private employer for disciplining or terminating an employee based on the latter's speech. Private employment contracts do not say anything about foregoing a right to free speech. They may protect trade secrets or require confidentiality as a condition of employment. A private employer can fire an employee for what he says without violating the First Amendment. That Amendment pertains only to the Government. The law is quite clear.

Also, one must distinguish rights and privileges. Operating an automobile is a privilege, not a right. One must be licensed by the State to drive, and the State may condition that privilege. e.g., by enacting traffic laws, requiring insurance, use of seat belts and non-use of cell phones, if it chooses. If one speeds, he can be ticketed. Note that even if one does not sign a traffic ticket, he will still be prosecuted for that violation. Driving is a privilege and one has the benefits of that privilege as long as one obeys the laws. Violate those laws and one can lose the privilege to drive. There is no absolute right to drive a motor vehicle. The State regulates the privilege to operate a motor vehicles through its inherent police powers.

Rights are not inherent in the structure of the Universe. Rights in the United States are created by the Constitution and laws of the United States. There are no "natural rights" existing apart from those created by law even those strongly believed by a disgruntled citizen.

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Rights of U.S. Citizens:

  • the right to free exercise of religion
  • freedom of speech
  • freedom of the press
  • the right of the people peaceably to assemble
  • the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances
  • the right to keep and bear arms
  • the right to be secure in your person, house, papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures
  • if accused of a crime...
    • the right to remain silent (You shall not be compelled to be a witness against yourself.)
    • the right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury
    • the right to obtain witnesses in your favor
    • the right to Counsel for your defense
    • freedom from excessive bail or fines
    • freedom from cruel and unusual punishment
    • You cannot be tried twice for the same offense.
    • The Government cannot take your life, your liberty or your property without due process of law.
  • Soldiers cannot stay at your house without your consent.
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you have the right to free speech, you have the right to bear arms, you have the right to due process and not be tried twice for a crime which is called double jeopardy, you have the right against unlawful or unwarranted search and seizure of their persons or their property, you have the right for trial procedures, and a person has the right to not experience cruel and unusual punishment for crimes....just a few that I remember

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