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Q: What are four events that heightened tensions between the North and South?
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How did states' rights increase tensions between the north and south?

by making it harder to get jobs.

How did bleeding kansas lead to the the civil war?

tensions increased between the north and south causing small wars leading up to secession and the civil war

What were some of the differences between the north and the south that increased tensions between the two regions?

The differences between the north and south they have different economise. The North relied on industry and technology because of the bad soil so they couldn't farm. The south relied on farming and agriculture because of their Rich soil! Also, because of this big economical difference slavery was an issue. in fact slavery was the biggest issue and was the major cause of the civil war! The south wanted slavery because they were always farming. However, the North had no need for slavery because of their industries. But even though the north didn't need slavery they were against it. They morally believed it was wrong and wanted to end it. The south was not going to give up slavery so tensions rose there for causing big tensions leading to the civil war!

What issue increased tensions between the north and the south?

Spread of Abolitionism in the North, following the publication of 'Uncle Tom's Cabin', and the growing difficulty of establishing slavery in the new states opening up in the West. This raised the prospect of the South being continually outvoted in Congress, which would tend to pass laws favourable to the North.

How did John Browns attack on Harpers Ferry increase tensions between the North and the South?

For the most part most Americans, both North and South, saw the Brown slave revolution as being radical and dangerous. Brown was a martyr to radical abolitionists, but for most Americans, Brown's violence was madness.

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Why did Harriett Beecher Stowe do that increased tensions between the north and the south?

Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin" depicted the cruelty of slavery, emphasizing the inhumane treatment of enslaved individuals in the South. This portrayal heightened tensions between the North and South by revealing the moral implications of slavery and inspiring abolitionist sentiments in the North.

What did Harriet Beecher Stowe do that increased tensions between he north and the south?

Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin" depicted the brutalities of slavery, sparking outrage in the North. The book's publication heightened tensions between the North and South due to its vivid portrayal of the cruelty and inhumanity of slavery, which further intensified the divide between abolitionists and pro-slavery advocates.

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It increased tensions further between the North and the South

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What impact did Uncle Tom's Cabin have on both the north south?

"Uncle Tom's Cabin" exposed the harsh realities of slavery and heightened tensions between the North and South by portraying the brutality faced by enslaved individuals. In the North, the novel fueled abolitionist sentiments and strengthened the anti-slavery movement. In the South, it was met with hostility and condemnation as it challenged the pro-slavery narrative.

How did states' rights increase tensions between the north and south?

by making it harder to get jobs.

What was NOT a compromise designed to ease tensions in between the North and South?

The mason dixen line

What man was NOT involved in violence in the 1850 as a result of tensions between the North and South?

teenie weenie

What happened at Harper's ferry verginia?

In 1859, abolitionist John Brown led a raid on the federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry, Virginia, in an attempt to start a slave rebellion. Brown and his followers were eventually captured and executed, but the incident heightened tensions between the North and South, escalating the path to the Civil War.

What book is considered to have increased the tensions between the North and South on the issue of slavery?

Uncle Tom's Cabin