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There are many natural processes that can change climate at a local level. The following are processes that affect global climate over periods of no more than a few thousand years:

  1. Volcanic eruptions can cause short-term climate change by cooling the earth, as the ash blocks out the sun.
  2. A cycle of precession in the earth's orbit can initiate gradual climate change over a period that lasts 26,000 years. This is too gradual to be perceptible except over the very long term.
  3. Climate change can also be initiated by the cycle in which the earth's elliptical orbit rotates. Again, this is too gradual to be perceptible except over the very long term.
  4. The angle between Earth's rotational axis and the normal to the plane of its orbit oscillates between 22.1 and 24.5 degrees on a 41,000-year cycle. This can affect the seasonal variation of climate.

Sun spots have been considered and studied as a possible cause of global climate change, but have since been ruled out as an unlikely cause.

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Q: What are four natural processes that can cause climate change?
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