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Q: What are fringe-toed lizard's predators?
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What do lizards eat and do they have any predators?

Lizards eat bugs and other animals

What are caterpillar's predators?

Caterpillar predators include bees, wasps, and lizards (lizards eat butterflies and their eggs) Insect eating animals such as birds.

What are the predators of lizards?

Primarily spiders and armadillos.

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Lizards eat them

What are a dragonfly's predators?

Lizards, frogs, etc.

Do basilisk lizards have any enemies?

The enemies or predators of basilisk lizards include large reptiles, birds, and some mammals. To avoid them, the lizards hide under the leaves and does not move until the predators flee.

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snakes, birds, lizards snakes, birds, lizards snakes, birds, lizards

What is the predators of the lizards?

snakes man cats dogs

What are the predators of cricket?

Spiders, some wasps, ground beetles, birds, small rodents and lizards are cricket predators.

How does a termite survive from predators?

The predators of a termite are birds, ants, lizards, and dragonflies.