

What are gambling markers called?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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16y ago

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A person's MARKERS are called just that: MARKERS. However, in legal terms a marker is treated and in many states considered a personal check and state regulations on the passing of bad checks applies. When you take out a "Marker" they write it up on a short form and then have you sign it. The paper you sign is just like you pulled out a personal check from your checkbook, signed it and gave it to them. Your signature insures that it is treated as a check. In the accounting system of a casino, a marker is one of many "documents" that a person can have associated with credit transactions. Other documents include repayment of a marker "PAYMENT", or start with money in the account (a FRONT MONEY document) or other forms of credit or payment. Usually, all markers must be settled before you leave the casino, but many casinos will allow you time to repay your marker, depending on your customer status with that casino. However, because a marker is treated like a personal check, if you fail to repay your marker in a timely fashion, you can be liable for up to 3X the face value of the marker. In some states like Nevada, the marker is treated like a check, and passing a "bad check" or not settling up on your marker is considered and treated as a FELONY.

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