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Q: What are gametes and how are they different from each other?
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Are gametes produced in meiosis identical to each other but different from parent cell?

No. Each gamete is genetically different from the other gametes and from the parent cell.

Do the number of chromosomes in each new cell formed differ from each other?

Gametes contain different genetic information to each other and to the parent cell.

How many different gametes can heterozygous organism produce?

Literally millions of different gametes. That is why each individual is unique.

Specialized sex cells are known as?

Sex cells are also called gametes. Each has 23 chromosomes or half the number of other cells.

What are the number of gametes made in males?

Gametes are cells that each have half of the normal chromosomes of the individual they belong to. The reason for this is that during reproduction, the chromosomes in each of the gametes add together to create a full set of chromosomes. Each half a set of chromosomes comes from a different person, which is why sexual reproduction produces offspring with mixed and different traits than their parents. The gametes in males are sperm, and the gametes in females are ova(egg cells). I hope this helped out ;)

What was medels specific law where a diploid organism transfers only one allele to its gametes?

The law of segregation, which states that the two alleles for an inherited trait segregate (separate from each other) during gamete formation and end up in different gametes.

What does crossing over ensure about the gametes that are formed during meiosis?

That they won't be identical to each other.

What is oogamyisogamy and heterogamy?

Isogamy = It means union of gametes that are identical in all respect ; so much so that it is not possible to label them as 'male ' and 'female ' gamete '. Heterogamy or Anisogamy=this case the two uniting gametes are different from each other some how and therefore can labeled as male and female. Oogamy == In this case the two uniting gametes are distinctingly dissimilar and easy to spot as such.

How do organisms rely on each other when the subject is mating?

When the subject is mating, organisms will have to rely on each other to provide the male or female gametes that will produce a new organism.

Meiosis makes what kind of cells?

Meiosis makes haploid cells that are different to each other and the parent cell. Meiosis is a type of cell division used for sexual reproduction and to create gametes.

What other name do call gametes?

They are the sex cells. They are haploid cells.

What is produced be meiosis?

Meiosis is a type of cell division that produces gametes with half the normal amount of chromosomes. It is used for sexual reproduction to create gametes. It produces haploid cells different to each other and the parent cell.