

What are goldfish compatible with?

Updated: 10/7/2023
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14y ago

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Other goldfish of a similar breed are compatible tank mates.

  • Goldfish require cooler water temperatures than many other varieties of fish.
  • Goldfish can pick on/snack on slower fish or creatures in your tank. ex: apple snails.
  • Goldfish are aggressive opportunistic eaters and can out compete smaller or slower fish.

The last point explains why you should not mix slow moving or poor seeing goldfish breeds like the celestial, bubble eye or telescope with a strong swimming shubunkin, ryukin or comet.

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Other goldfish and clown fish in particular.

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What tropical fish can live with goldfish?

it depens on what type of gold fish u have ( ordinary or fancy ) The simple answer is no. You can not keep tropical fish and coldwater fish (goldfish) successfully for long. Amongst other things, Goldfish run out of oxygen and tend to stress when kept too hot for too long. The metabolism of Tropicals slows down when the water is too cool and their organs simply shut down and the fish die.Tropical fish and goldfish prefer different temperatures; goldfish like to be at around 70F (room temp), whereas tropicals need more in the 78-84F range, and so putting them together can be problematic in that either the goldfish or the tropicals will be outside their normal temperature range, which can lead to stress and disease.

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Are goldfish and guppies compatible?

no, guppies like to eat the big tails of the golden fish , and golden fish will die Goldfish tend to be a cold water fish, while guppies are tropical fish requiring temperatures between 72 and 80+ degrees Fahrenheit .