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Some of the best foods to eat are Ezekiel bread, broccoli, and spinach. Other things like fish and cereals are good for the diet. Also, drink lots of water.

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Q: What are good foods for an 0 negative blood type diet?
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What would be a good blood healthy diet?

Eating a good blood healthy diet may include avoiding foods that do not go well with your blood type. Sticking to a healthy diet will help you maintain your health. According to the Blood Type Diet, eating foods specifically garnered to your Blood type will be good for your health.

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The foods that is on a blood sugar diet are Healthy carbohydrates, Fiber-rich foods, Heart-healthy fish, 'Good' fats, this type of diets are for people with diabetes.

What are the best diet foods for someone who has blood type b?

Instead of fatty, sugary snacks, indulge in lots of whole foods. Vegetables, and fruit. Snacks are not good for your diet with this blood type. maintaining a healthy fruit/ vegetable oriented diet is very good for your body.

What foods are in a low sugar diet that can help keep my blood sugar low?

There are a lot of good foods that are low in blood sugar and that will be good for you and your blood sugar. Some foods include salmon, apples, grapes, celery, broccoli and whole wheat breads.

What would be a good diet for o negative blood?

There is a diet by Peter D'Adamo, who is a naturopathic physician, the medical community has not been able to support the diet claims. If you happen to be anemic, there are foods that you may want to discuss with your doctor that you may want to avoid such as green leafy vegetables.

What is a good diet for high blood pressure or a person who has it?

The best diet for a person with high blood pressure is a diet which is low in sodium. You should also be avoiding foods that are high in saturated fats.

What is a good diet for someone who has b negative blood?

B negative blood types do really good with different meats and vegetables. Try to incorporate greens like celery and cauliflower with some good steak.

What foods should I eat based on my blood type if I want to lose weight?

No, you should choose foods that are good for a diet, yet I do not know. Diet diet diet diet diet, that is what you must do to be healthy. Then you loose more weight through dieting and exercising.

What are some good diet foods for blood type ab?

Foods that would be good for an ab blood type diet would be whole grain cereals for breakfast also eggs that are boiled and wheat bread. Other foods would be baked chicken or fish or legumes. And low-fat milk.

Is there a blood A type diet available?

There are some blood type diets that seem to be on the mark for what the blood type is. In the diets it says what foods are good for you, bad for you and what you should use for a diet or weight loss.

What kind of foods should someone with a positive blood type eat?

As of now there is no solid proof that eating foods based on your blood type has any real benefit. It is best to eat a wellrounded diet of foods that are good for you.

Where can I find a list of foods for blood type A positive person?

I general list of good foods to eat while on a type A diet can be found on It gives a list of foods that are recommended and not recommended.