

What are good foods to soften stool?

Updated: 11/6/2022
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13y ago

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To soften stool add high fiber foods to your diet such as: raisins, dates, figs, brown rice, guava fruit, oatmeal, soy milk, etc. High levels of fiber help to soften your stool. Avoid: wheat, fried foods, cakes, mashed potatoes, etc.

-Drink lots of water throughout the day and be sure that whatever foods you decided to eat will not cause you to have an allergic reaction.

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using a stool soften?

using a stool softener like colace may help, and it may be purchased at any pharmacy over the counter, but you should still see our doctor for a rectal exam

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No. White bread is low in whole grains and fiber compared to wheat bread, and does not help digestion.