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Q: What are heterozygous parents?
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If purple flower color is dominant over white flower color how can two purple flowered parents produce while flowered offspring?

It can happen when both parents are a heterozygous

Can you give me a sentence using the word heterozygous?

Heterozygous means inheriting different genes from your parents. That is a heterozygous trait, not a homozygous one.

If children with blood group O and a what could be the blood group of parents?

both parents could be A heterozygous or one A heterozygous and the other O

Is AA an homozygous or an heterozygous?

AA could be either homozygous or heterozygous, depending on whether the individual inherited the same allele (A) from both parents (homozygous) or different alleles (Aa) from each parent (heterozygous).

If both parents are heterozygous for polydactyly what percentage of offspring will exhibit polydactyly?


Will parents with a positive blood type have children with a positive blood type?

There is 50% that children will be of negative blood type if parents are heterozygous positive. 25% if one parent is homozygous and other heterozygous. 0% if both homozygous.

What is the offspring of two parents from different purebred strains?

By the process of hybridization, breeders cross two genetically different organisms. The purpose is to have the best traits of both parents.

My blood is o pos. what were my parents?

There are few possibilities. Those are 1.father with heterozygous A=AO & Mother with heterozygous B=BO 2.Father with heterozygous B=BO & Mother with heterozygous A=AO 3.Both the parents are with O blood group. If u have brothers or sisters if their blood groups r also O then the third one is the correct. Even it is applicable for Rh +ve or Rh -ve.

Is it possible for blue eyed parents to have a brown eyed baby?

Yes, buy only if the parents are heterozygous for the trait and if the trait is dominant.

What was the probability that two heterozygous parents would have an offspring that produced round seeds?


What is the probability that the children will be heterozygous?

Being born with six fingers is actually a dominant trait and the probability of the children would be 75% with six fingers and 25% with five fingers if both parents were heterozygous for that trait. If both parents were homozygous dominant for that trait then there is a 100% probability of the children being born with six fingers.

If a child has blond hair and both of her parents have brown hair what does that tell you about the allele for blond hair?

Both of the parents were heterozygous with the blonde hair allele, which is recessive. When there are two parents that are heterozygous, there is a 25% chance their offspring will get two of the recessive alleles. A punnett square can be useful when determining the different phenotypes and genotypes possible in offspring