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Huge hot balls of gas that are held together by gravity and give off their own light are called stars. The sun is also a star.

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Q: What are huge hot balls of gas that are held together by gravity and give off their own light?
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What are huge balls of gas that are held together by gravity and give off their own light?


Does nebula or gravity give off their own light?

Does gravity gve off its own light? What a stupid question, gravity is a force, you cant even see it. Nebulas are clouds of gas, but newly formed stars within them can give off light. Remember, everything you can see is giving off light.

Does the sun give us light?

the sun does give off light,heat,gravity,water cycle, mass, life,and vital vitamins

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they don't give of light but can be spotted by observing its gravity's affects.

Give an experiment to prove that light travels in a straight line?

Actually, it has been proved that light is bent by gravity, so it is impossible to prove that light travels in a straight line.

How does the sun give its energy to the Earth when space has no gravity?

The light travel directly through the vacuum and reaches earth

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What is the component of the universe that doesn't give off light but has gravity?

Any quantity of matter which is insufficient to start nuclear fusion by gravitational attraction.

How are stars and planets different?

First of all, planets are way smaller than stars, stars are probably 10-1000's of times bigger than plants. Another thing is stars produce nuclear energy in their core so they burn and give of heat, which by far planets don't give off. The third thing is Stars have more gravity than planets so they make smaller bodies orbit around them. Planets are dark balls of rock and gas that orbit a star and stars are giant balls of hot gases that makes its own light and heat

What colors mixed together give you a lime green?

A light green and a normal green I think

How did gravity give rise to the formation of Saturn?

The planet Saturn was formed as the force of gravity drew small, heavy particles together, eventually creating the mass that is known as Saturn. The rings consist of much lighter particles.

What role did gravity play in the formation of the planets?

Gravity, of course has a central role in formation of planets. It's believed that the planets origin can be traced to the debris swirling around a young star. The term used for coming together of particles or bodies and joining together is 'accretion'. Gravity is the reason behind accretion . Small debris join together due to accretion and this accretion occurs further to give rise to larger and larger bodies like planets . Without gravity, this could never have occurred.