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Q: What are injuries associated when conducting an abdominal crunch?
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What plane of motion does an abdominal crunch occur in?


What is the proper technique for an abdominal crunch?

The proper technique for an abdominal crunch is to make sure that you isolate your abdominal area so that you do not use anything else such as your neck muscles, make sure that you only use the desired area which in this case is the abdominal area

Where can someone find information on abdominal crunch exercises?

There are many magazines that offer information about abdominal crunch exercises. You can even view videos on YouTube and you can buy exercise videos at electronic stores.

What are the different types of abdominal workouts?

There are several abdominal workouts with different names and poses. Some popular exercises are bicycle, captain's chair, ball crunch, and leg crunch.

What is breathing position at the time of abdominal crunch?

Breathe at the start, exhale at the Top.

What exercises can I perform with an ab roller?

There are a lot of exercises you can perform with an ab roller, all known as "crunches." These include the basic crunch, the oblique crunch, the raised bent knee crunch, the raised straight leg crunch, the bicycle crunch and the scissors crunch. They all work your abdominal and oblique muscles.

What joints involved abdominal crunch?

Its an isolation exercise, only the hip joint is used.

What type of exercises are good for conditioning ones abs?

There are many exercises for conditioning the abs. Some of these are the basic crunch, the plank, the bicycle, the abdominal hold, the side crunch, and the hundred.

What are some effective exercises for abs?

Any exercise that involves the abdominal muscles or abs will be effective with continued use. Some exercises for abdominal muscles are squats, crunches, the side crunch. There are also exercise equipment made specifically for the abs.

Do you need equipment to work out on abs?

You will find that there are many different types of abdominal-specializiing exercise equipment. You will consider an abdominal crunch strap or an abdominal wheel for work on abdominal muscles.

What is the best type of crunch?

I don't really know if there's one unequivocally "best" crunch. My favorite is the weighted swedish ball crunch for an intense abdominal workout, since it allows for an extended range of motion plus the added resistance coming from a medicine ball or plate. I'm sure others would like to add what crunches they prefer and why they think they're the best.

Whats the difference between a sit up and a crunch?

A sit up involves lifting your entire torso off the ground, while a crunch is a smaller movement that involves lifting just your shoulders off the ground. Sit ups engage a larger range of motion and work more muscles, while crunches specifically target the abdominal muscles.