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Q: What are interactive fabrics that respond to light?
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Creators of interactive blogs?

respond to user input.

How does plant respond to light?

Usually plants respond to light by turning toward it.

How do earthworms respond to darkness?

Earthworms do not respond to darkness per say, but they do respond to light. although they do not have eyes, they are light sesitive.

What are the types of industrial fabrics?

Industrial fabrics may be made out of natural materials or synthetic materials. Vinyl and plastic fabrics are common synthetic materials and these can be used as light insulators.

What materials were used in the 20's clothes?

Usually used fabrics ware light, soft natural fabrics like chiffon, silk, georgette, and other matte fabrics. Mostly fabric ware pastel and light tones with floral patterns or patterns a la Raoul Dufy.

How does the eye respond to light rays to manifest long sightedness?

how does the eye respond to light rays to manifest far sightedness

How do fish respond to stimuli of sound and light?

yes they respond very well

Why is it difficult to perceive color in dim light?

Your retina has more than one type of cell that perceives and transmits light. Cones are cells that respond to color, but they respond best in bright light. In very dim light, the cells that respond to light are called rods, which are blind to color.

Do pigs respond to light?


How does a plant that is positively phototropic respond to light?

it grows towards the light.

Do blogs have to be interactive?

Most blogs are, but you don't have to. There is usually an option to disable comments, and you can also make your blog private.

A failure of the red-sensitive nerves in the eye to respond to respond to light properly causes?

Color blindness is the failure of the red sensitive nerves in the eye that don't respond to light properly.