

What are men who flee the country to avoid draft?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: What are men who flee the country to avoid draft?
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How many young men fled the country to avoid the Vietnam Draft?

It is estimated that approximately 50,000 Americans went to Canada in order to avoid the draft. The Vietnam War lasted from 1959 to 1975.

Which statement about the draft during the Vietnam war is true?

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How could men avoid the draft in both the north and south?

Hiring a substitute

How did men avoid being drafted?

Go to Canada or Mexico, or burn draft cards.

Did President Carter supported a policy of amnesty for men who left the US to avoid the draft during the Vietnam War?

President Carter did not support the amnesty for men who left the US to avoid the draft during the Vietnam war due to his will to win the war and defeat Vietnam.

President Carter supported a policy of amnesty for men who left the US to avoid the draft during the Vietnam War?

President Carter did not support the amnesty for men who left the US to avoid the draft during the Vietnam War due to his will to win the war and defeat Vietnam.

What country did 100000 young men flee to in order to aviod the draft?

Most draft dodgers headed for Canada. The Canadian line, AT THE TIME, was easily reached, could be crossed on foot, bicycle, automobile, or bus. No airplane, boat/ship, or passport required. In addition, it was easier for an English speaking US Citizen to blend into Canada's society.

How did men avoid the union draft during the Civil War?

Under the Draft Act of 1863, it was legal to hire a "substitute" who had not been drafted. A man could also pay $300 (a large sum at the time) to avoid conscription.

How did people dodge the draft?

Draft dodgers used many techniques to avoid going to war. Some of them would leave the country with the intention of returning when the war is over. They would also stand on religion to avoid the draft.

What are some cons of military draft?

Rich men NOT getting drafted. If Rich men do get drafted; they get the BEST jobs. If Rich men do get drafted; they avoid FRONTLINE duty. Those are the ONLY cons of military conscription; otherwise, every man serves his country...but equally (unless they're physically or mentally unfit).

What happened to people who avoided the draft?

many men moved out of the country until the war was over