

What are mice allergic to?

Updated: 10/8/2023
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11y ago

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mice dislike rubarb ,cats ,dogs,bacicly all animals even rats rats eat mice,chocolate,the same gender as them ,flea shampoo,fly spary,toxic gass,

When it's raining cats and dogs :D

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Peanut butter.

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nothing (:

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Q: What are mice allergic to?
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Are people who are allergic to cats also allergic to fancy mice?

People who are allergic to cats aren't really allergic to their fur. Their allergic to the dandruff a cat produces as an adult. Since kittens don't have dandruff people aren't really allergic to them. So I doubt that people allergic to cat's are allergic to fancy mice but if they produce the same dandruff it could be.

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Can a mice make you unwell?

wild mouse, yes pet mouse, no unless you are allergic

Was anyone ever killed by a mouse?

You can only be killed by a hamster if u are allergic.

If you are allergic to cockroaches than are you allergic to lobsters?

You can be allergic to both but being allergic to one does not mean you will be allergic to the other.

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if you are allergic to kiwi you can be allergic to bird pollen as well and you can be allergic to latex .

Can feeding your mice strawberrys kill them?

Feeding mice strawberries in moderation is generally safe, but giving them too much can cause digestive issues due to the high sugar content. It's important to offer a varied diet to ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients. Consulting with a veterinarian who specializes in small animals can help determine the appropriate diet for your mice.

What is a sentence for allergic?

i am allergic to pollen. So I can not smell flowers.

Are cats really allergic to mice?

Yes, cats can and do have allergies. Cats can be allergic to their own pet dander, environmental factors and indoor pollutants just like humans. The same goes for dogs as well. Look it up online the quantity, but if your cat is having an allergic reaction to something, you can most likely give them a human medication. I am sure you can give dogs Benedryl, however I am unsure about cats.

Can you be allergic to smells?

No, but you can get an allergic reaction from breathing in/smelling something you are allergic to.

What is Joe Jonas allergic to?

He claims to be allergic to fruit. No, He just doesn't like it you can just be allergic to fruit!! Duah _______________________________________________________________________ You can be allergic to fruit. My neighbor is!