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Q: What are microscopic ocean plants that absorb carbon dioxide?
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When do plants absorb carbon?

Plants absorb carbon dioxide during photosynthesis.

What do plants absorb soil from?

AnswerPlants take Carbon Dioxide from the air by photosynthesis and replace it with oxygen

Do plants and animals release carbon dioxide?

Animals breathe in oxygen and release carbon dioxide. Plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.

How does carbon move from plants and animals into the atmosphere?

Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

How do plant absorb carbon dioxide?

Plants absorb carbon dioxide through pores on the leaves or other parts of the plant.

What plants absorb Carbon dioxide?

all heterotrophs

What gas do plants absorb from the atomshpere?

carbon dioxide

What is the process by which water plants get carbon dioxide for their food process?

Carbon dioxide is present in the air, so plants just absorb it through small openings in their leaves. Plants that are submerged in water absorb carbon dioxide from the water.

Which gas do the plants absorb?

Plants absorb carbon dioxide in their process to produce sugar and oxygen.

Is carbon dioxide important for plants how?

Yes - most plants absorb carbon dioxide and convert it to plant material via photosynthesis.

Oxygen is added to an ecosysem by?

Oxygen is given off by plants as they absorb carbon dioxide. It's like how animals breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide, except plants absorb carbon dioxide and give off oxygen.

Why does cutting down trees increase carbon dioxide?

Trees and other plants absorb carbon dioxide.