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Different compounds make a difference on what molecular structures are called. Molecules are bonds formed covalently between more than one element. Carbohydrates are ketones or aldehydes that form polysaccharides. A lot of molecules that are linked together are monomers.

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Cell Organelles. Some popular ones are the nucleus, cell walls, cell membranes, cytoplasm, chloroplasts, lysosomes... so on.

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Genetic information are in DNA.DNA is in chromosomes.

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adenosine triphosphate

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DNA is called a double helical structure.

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DNA is formed in a double helix.

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Q: What are molecules with the same formula and different structures called?
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Can two monosaccharides have the same formula yet have different structures?

Yes, two monosaccharides can have the same chemical formula (C6H12O6), but different structural arrangements. This is because monosaccharides can exist as different isomers, such as glucose and fructose, which have the same number and types of atoms but a different arrangement of bonds.

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Same chemical formula but a different structure?

They would be called: ISOMERS.(Def; molecules or molecular compounds that are similar in that they have the same molecular formula, however have different arrangements of the atoms)For example; glucose and fructose

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Isomers are compounds that have same molecular formulas but different structures. A familiar example is the case of glucose and fructose. Both have the same formula viz, C6H1206. But they have different structures and hence exhibit different properties.

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They are called molecules.

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Nutrient molecules pass from the small intestine into the through tiny structures called villi.

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Isomers are compounds that have the same molecular formula but different arrangements of atoms.

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